Tracking Food on Wheat Belly

Cate1898 Posts: 33 Member
Hey I am new to the Wheat Belly diet. Reading the book it sounds like it makes sense. I certainly believe I have insulin resistance. I certainly have a 'wheat belly' that I want to get rid of.

Do people following this diet track their food and if so does 1200 calories a day need to be the limit? (assuming no exercise cause I know exercise raises that proportionally) I know the author of the book says in his book that there is no need to count calories while doing this diet assuming one is doing it for weight loss that is.

What are your thoughts on this?

Also, would be happy to have some new MFP 'friends' who are also following the Wheat Belly Diet for mutual encouragement and support!! If you would too, send me a friend request!


  • happy2hikeak
    happy2hikeak Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I can't really answer your question because I am new myself but years ago, I did a similar diet and lost tons of weight without counting calories. My plan is not track calories so much as carbs but MFP does both so I do look to see the calorie count as well. My goal is to stay under 50 carbs a day. Hope it goes well for you!
  • Zsu75
    Zsu75 Posts: 2 Member
    I believe counting calories does not matter, neither necessary. Restricting your carb intake matters, keep under 50 grams a day. Fat needs to be high. Good fats like animal fats, coconut oil, olive oil and real butter. Read the book. And ask on the FB page if you have more detailed question. Dr Davis checks in daily and answers questions there.
  • rayahmarie333
    rayahmarie333 Posts: 15 Member
    I have the book and the two cookbooks. I read Wheat Belly and understand the info. I even agree with it - now. I come from a Wellness/Health Education background (graduated with B.S. degree back in 1995). Well, I completely changed careers not long after because I couldn't "practice" what I was preaching. I remember learning about eating a low fat diet with healthy whole grains. I was gaining weight! I was always hungry and rarely satisfied. Up until recently when starting the plan, I also noticed intense food cravings for "healthy whole grain carbs" (bread and pasta were my weaknesses). I'm trying wheat free eating now and it is a little nerve racking for me. It's been 5 days and, although I am eating 'more calories and fat than I should' (according to past diets) and feeling satisfied, I can't help feeling a bit worried about my arteries. It's hard to change my thoughts/fears on the high fats - even the good ones. I just hope this works for me. I'm doing Wheat Belly to 'cure' my prediabetes, high blood pressure, regular headaches, sinus problems, joint aches/pains, anxiety disorder w/ panic attacks, chronic indigestion/heartburn, fatigue, insomnia, IBS, and brain fog/forgetfulness. Oh, yeah... And to lose my wheat belly along with 50 lbs.

    I've been logging the past 5 days and it's a little uncomfortable seeing my daily fat intake; especially, my intake of saturated fats. But, I've also noticed something else. My caloric intake was higher before Wheat Belly because I ate more since I was always hungry. I'm still learning about this new way of eating - I'm sure I'm not 100% perfect at it. I'm still working on lowering my carbs, but I have already significantly reduced them. Well, time will tell. I'll be seeing my doctor next month for a follow up. I hope my blood test will be ok.
  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    I've been doing the Wheat Belly diet for 6 or 7 weeks now, although I had a few cheat days recently, but I was very strict the first few weeks with zero wheat products.

    I've found that I am not restricting my carbs to 50 grams a day though. I am just not eating Wheat. There are healthy carbs in fruit and vegetables. I still am losing weight every week and have no cravings like I did before cutting it out. I try to eat organic and whole foods, lean protein and eggs, moderate amount of cheese and no dairy (although he allows for it...I find I like almond milk better and is less calories too if you buy unsweetened). I snack on nuts and dark chocolate and baby carrots and hummus. Spaghetti squash is great! If you haven't tried it, you should. It is super low cal too and filling! Avocados are really good for healthy fats.

    I think it's a misconception that it is a low-carb diet though. It's not low carb...just low on unhealthy carbs! I usually have between 100 -150 grams of carbs a day and I'm not eating bread or pasta. Unless you mean 50% of your daily intake? If that's what you mean, than yeah it makes sense.
  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    This article is really helpful! I guess it depends how active you are on how much carbs a day you should eat. For me, I exercise intensely a couple times a week so I can lose on 100-150 grams of carbs a day but for someone maybe less active, 50 carbs a day can be better for them.