Weekly Challenges

ifaber Posts: 195 Member
Alright my fit family!

I am all about challenging ourselves and keeping it fun while getting results that stick. So, each week I will be posting a different challenge. If you ever have ideas for one shoot me a quick email and I will more than likely post it at some point.

The challenges will range from food to fitness to mental challenges. It takes our whole being to get the best results from this and I really want these next 99 days to be a defining time in our lives...for the better.

I'll post the challenge for the week on Sundays...Mondays at the very latest. Soooo, until then, I'll holla!


  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    Welcome to the first challenge!!! Motivation is high, goals are set, and we are ready to make this thing go the whole way. So with that said, here is this week's challenge:

    Weekly Challenge #1

    Log all food, candy, soda, water, etc. Knowing is half the battle and when we know what we are putting in our bodies and how it's responding, we can then make better choices! So let's make this happen!
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    Hello my lovelies! Sorry for posting this week's challenge so late but a sick child has kept me preoccupied for the last two days. So....without further a-do, here is this week's challenge:

    Weekly Challenge #2

    Rev up your workout routine by completing a second workout in one day. Do this 3-5 times this week. Usually I split up my cardio and weight training sessions and that's a great example of getting in a double workout. If you don't have a lot of time to workout...try doing a 15 minute workout in the AM and another 15 minute one in the PM. Make sure you tell us all about your experience with this week's challenge!
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    Hello Fit Fam!!! Welcome to the 3rd CHALLENGE!!!

    Here is the challenge for this week that comes from a lovely challenger:

    Try a new exercise for 3 days this week. Sometimes the key in staying consistent is ....wait for it......CHANGE! So spice up your routine by trying new things this week!

    Here are some examples of new things to try:

    Running or walking briskly up hills
    Walking steps at home or in the office
    Bodyweight strength training - BodyRock.tv has great short workouts
    Zumba Classes
    Dance Classes
    Bike Riding

    Basically anything that you aren't doing now is considered a 'new' exercise for you so integrate it into your routine and let's keep this challenge going!
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