please introduce your selves

icha3x Posts: 54 Member
i'm 44 in less than a month and been in and out of menopause for last 6 years after battling breast cancer. I had taken off the extra weight from chemo and shamrock shakes by eating lean cuisines 2x a day but got bored with eating them. I do love to cook and experiment with new recipes. Hardest thing for me is preparing and taking a healthy lunch to work everyday.
I look forward to meeting other ladies with similar battles.


  • FUcalories
    FUcalories Posts: 10 Member
    I'm also dealing with menopausal weight gain! I've changed my diet, workout 3 -4 times and I'm still struggling to get the scale to move. I'm also in the early stages of diabetes. Just went to the doctor for my checkup and he wants me to lose at least 3 pounds by June. A pound a month. Sounds easy, but very difficult for me. Looking forward to some inspiration here. My friends say they want to lose weight, but they don't do anything about it. I tried introducing them to MFP, of course they join, then never log any food or activity. Guess I'm the only serious one and I'm on my own. I thought joining a group would help me, so here I am!
  • icha3x
    icha3x Posts: 54 Member
    picked up some nice gluten free organic meals for lunch this week at work and trying out a few almond and almond/coconut milk.
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    I think I am finally in menopause, but I'm not sure. I didn't have periods for 13 months, then they started up for a few months, then stopped for another 6 months. I have had a very, very rough time lately because my son passed away about 2 years ago.. I gained about 10 pounds comforting myself with food and am going through menopause. I've taken 5 pounds off, but have been stuck here. MFP has helped me realize that I was grazing and snacking a lot more than I realized. It also helped me see that my portion sizes were too big.

    I'm not sure if I'm looking at the postings on the MFP groups correctly, but it seems like quite a few of them are not very active. I am looking for a group that is fairly active.
  • icha3x
    icha3x Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Dt. sorry that this group is not so active yet. I looked for one that met my needs and found none so started this. Hopefully others will find it as well. Mine is on again off again as well. My hot flashes stopped about a month ago again. Keep wondering if aunt flo and her bloody dog spot are going to reappear.