Biggest Loser Challenge - Week 11!

tricoachart Posts: 32 Member
Can you believe it! March is winding down, Spring is around the corner and our first Team Springs Biggest Loser challenge is nearing completion! So, as we’ve asked for each of the previous weeks, (except last week. Sorry) how’s it going? What are some daily health habits you’ve introduced to your routine? As much of a proponent of tracking and journaling as I am, I have often struggled with doing that consistently – day in and day out. I think I’ve done a lot better with that during this challenge. I can do better but I’m happy with the progress I’ve made in being consistent with tracking my workouts and diet. I will grudgingly admit that technology has been a big help with that. Using an App that synchs with myfitnesspal has been a huge reason I’ve missed but one day during this challenge period of entering at least something on myfitnesspal. It’s not always a complete days’ worth of activities, I often forget to add my evening meal, and I may not be going into as much detail as I used to when I post an entry but the basics are there and when I go to look at the individual reports for myself I am able to see the progress that I’ve made. Hopefully you’ve tried this feature.
As the challenge nears the end, don't forget to check in occasionally with your community's team leader. I encourage you to keep your goals in sight and continue working hard to reach them. Just a little more than two weeks left to the official challenge but these healthy habits you’ve been developing are habits that should stay with you and benefit a lifetime!
Congratulations to each and every one of you!