Getting Started

CMiller220 Posts: 9 Member
Hi there!

I'm glad I found this group. I checked out the book from the library, and I really like what I have read so far. I think I'm ready to get started, so PLEASE share the tips you learned along the way. How closely do you follow his plan? Do you add extra exercises in? Cardio?

I would love to read some success stories or see before and after photos for additional inspiration. Feel free to add me as a friend as well.



  • Vanguard1
    Vanguard1 Posts: 372 Member
    The best thing I did was get the app for 2.99, it walks you through the program. I add cardio in just about every day, but i am also training for a Triathlon so I need it.
  • kimberlya271
    kimberlya271 Posts: 12 Member
    I am just getting started myself, both with the book and using the novice circuit on youtube. Sumo squats are my new best friend.
  • keepongoingnmw
    keepongoingnmw Posts: 371 Member
    H everyone! I figure I have to start somewhere. I am not going to join a gym or spend lots of money until the fall when my youngest starts here I am.