Almost done my third week....

doowop713 Posts: 268 Member
I started this 12 wk program having never done a lengthy program before. I've never even done the 30DS or NROWLFW.... So this is intense for me. I love how it started out slow and steady and is clearly picking up the pace. I see, though, that in the next month and so on, the workouts are 6 days a week..... Isn't that a little much? I hope I will have enough time to get them all done.

How did thos eof you who are further along or done deal with 6 workouts/wk?

Going to try to keep up with it without hurting myself or giving up! For those of y'all who completed it already, congrats! For those of you who are in the process, lets do this!! For those of you thinking about it, just jump in!
