2 months out and still on pureed/soft diet

Hi there! I am almost 2 months out and I am still on pretty much soft foods and purees. Anyone else been in this boat or dealing with this right now too? My pouch just doesn't tolerate very much, especially dense proteins. My surgeon seems unconcerned about this and said it will just take time, but I am pretty worried. He is more concerned with fluids then proteins. I don't have an appetite, but make sure to eat based on what time it is. It's hard to meet my protein goal (80 grams a day) when I can eat so little of an amount and so few different options of food. If it wasn't for protein shakes I wouldn't even come close to getting in all of my proteins. I guess I am just trying to see if anyone has been at this point and then it changed for them. I remember back in Jan. thinking how will I ever survive on just soft/pureed foods for a month...never did I think 2 months out I would still be at this point.


  • Tristaan
    Tristaan Posts: 126 Member
    I don't remember exactly, but I feel like I was on soft foods for about 3 months, I feel like around month 4-5 I really am able to start eating a little more and trying new things, sometimes successfully, sometimes not. My first three months I ate about 600 calories a day. At 5 months, I'm at around 900/day. Some people stay lower than that for several months.

    Two months out seems really early to eat any dense proteins. I'm not even allowed to try steaks, pork, etc until my 6 month check up (although I do fine with lean ground beef chili). I'm cleared for chicken but it makes me throw up, I do well with white fish. Some days I can eat eggs, other days I can't. You'll find your pouch can feel like a fickle b!tc# some days. :)

    At eight weeks, you're still healing internally, so protein and keeping hydrated is your number one concern. That's what helps you heal. My Doc also would rather me be off protein shakes and supplements, but I still use them. They fit better into certain times of my workday, and they're my go-to on those days when my pouch is just not feeling cooperative. Not sure which surgery you had though - I had RNY. As long as you're getting your protein and H2O, and talking with your doctor about any concerns, you're on the right track. Hang in there.
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    I was on more solid food by that time, but I still couldn't tolerate dense protein, like chicken, pork, and sadly fish. I am only now able to eat this without much issue. It just takes time to get there. Chicken breast meat has only very recently been able to be included in my meal plans. I also didn't handle most cheeses very well then, either.

    Here is what I could tolerate more easily early on:

    - Chili made with lean ground chicken, lean ground beef and beans. I slow cook mine for a few hours and it gets nice and tender. I put a dollop of Greek yogurt on top.

    - Meatballs or meatloaf - I have never liked meatloaf with ketchup, so I use marinara instead. Much better. I also put a little shredded parmesan on top.

    - Expensive steak - LOL - This was the only "solid" meat I could tolerate at first. I was picking up nice tender NY Strip steaks after trying a bite of my hubby's and it went down so well. Something like sirloin or any other lean cut of beef was not easy. It was like eating pork or chicken. I was buying it when it was on sale and between me, my hubby, and daughter we'd just split one when I made it. Usually cut into strips to be served on a spinach salad with peppers mushrooms and blue cheese dressing. I basically was just eating the steak, though. Sometimes I'd eat half a roasted mushroom.

    I'm sure you are doing this, but make sure you are chewing REALLY well. I thought I was, but it turns out I wasn't chewing enough and once I upped that things got a little easier.

    Good Luck!

    P.S. I am just over 5 months out.
  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    I'm 19 months post RNY now. And yeah, two months out I was still mostly pureed foods. Ate lots of refried beans and yogurt. Liquid and protein are your biggest concerns at this stage. I was on three protein shakes a day (for about 70 gm of protein). I'd eat my three very small meals (1.5 or 2 oz) then drink protein shakes between them. I tended to be eating about every 2 hours or so between all 6 things. Like you, I never got hungry and ate based on schedule. I didn't start getting hungry until about 9 months post op.

    My plan was full liquids for two weeks, then 6 weeks of pureed foods. I was able to tolerate eggs and some soft veggies (tomatoes) starting at about week 7 or 8. So yeah, based on my experience you should be able to start eating a bit more solid food now. Start off slow, don't go straight to baked chicken or something. Try ground meats or maybe a soft fish, with some kind of sauce. Having items be juicy at this point in time is important. Just make sure you only try one new thing at a time. That way if you can't tolerate it, then you know what caused it.

    Don't forget, as you progress to more solids, chew chew chew! My medical team wanted me to chew to a consistency of applesauce. You don't have a stomach anymore to process food, so your mouth has to do it!

    I don't mean to pry, but I took a look at your diary. You really, really need to be getting more protein in your diet regardless if it comes from shakes or not. I was told by my team they wanted at least me to get at least 60 gm of protein from supplements alone to start with. Then as I started eating more I could cut back on the shakes.
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    After 2 weeks post op from sleeve I started soft proteins but by 2 months out I was on reg food. Very small amounts and very small bites. Everyone is different though. As long as your WLS surgeon or program is aware of your issues.
    good luck!
  • Tristaan
    Tristaan Posts: 126 Member
    If you like chili you can make it at the beginning of the week and just heat it up for a quick dinner - lean ground beef or turkey with beans - protein packed. I add 1/4 cup fat free shredded cheese to mine if I want to add a bit more protein. Also Lentil soups are good. You can get a supplement called Invisiwhey to add 10g protein to yogurts, etc. (Doesn't heat well). If you can tolerate milk, mix your protein shakes with skim or lactose free to boost protein by another 10g. For beans, I tolerate them better if they're mashed - one of the first recipes I tried was pureeing a can of black beans with a jar of salsa - easy and yummy (so many salsa flavors out there), and I could get more down at that consistency. Throw some lowfat cheese sticks in your purse (they'll be awesome and soft by lunch time) - 6g protein there. As you are better able to tolerate soft foods, you can find protein bars that are good for on the go eating as well.
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Not unusual. I had lots of fish and beans and homemade chicken (pureed) soup. I could tolerate maybe 2-3 bites of chicken or pork. Mixed unflavored protein powder in just about everything mixable to get my protein in.
  • aliciacollins37
    aliciacollins37 Posts: 7 Member
    @csmccord, I agree. I need to get more protein in. That's been a big struggle for me. I keep trying though. Sometimes I try things and then get sick. I don't log those bc unfortunately they come right back up. Sorry TMI. Last night I tried a little bit of meatloaf, no go on that. I chewed and chewed until I barely even had to swallow so I don't think that is the issue. I have been doing vegetarian chili (can't tolerate ground turkey, chicken or beef), but after just a few teeny tiny bites I feel completely stuffed. I also can't do baked fish, tuna fish or canned chicken. Basically if it used to have eyes my pouch isn't happy with it. They have me on Zofran for the constant nausea and that has helped some with eating, but I still feel like I need to able to eat more at this point. I think maybe I should just try to add another shake into the day instead of a meal to get that number up though, oh and get some unflavored protein to add to things like yogurt and sugar free pudding. Thank you for everyone's input. I truly appreciate it. I have my follow-up with my nutritionist at the end of the month so I am hoping she has some more insight for me too.
  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    What I don't understand is why the hesitation to actually make the supplements a meal or a snack? I've been seeing this a lot of mixing unflavored protein into things. It's a great idea, but you can do so much more. I don't understand why nobody seems to embellish their shakes. Why drink them straight when you play with them!

    I remember my favorite protein shakes would be these:

    1 scoop chocolate protein (For extra protein I would do 1.5 scoops)
    1/2 frozen banana
    ice cubes
    splash of water
    Optional: 2 TBSP of PB2


    1 scoop vanilla protein (For extra protein I would do 1.5 scoops)
    1/2 frozen banana
    3 or 4 frozen strawberries
    splash of water
    2 squirts of Torani Sugar-free strawberry syrup

    I loved these shakes. I also made a mixed berry one with frozen strawberries and blueberries. I would have my shake for breakfast and make a meal out of it.
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Took a long time for MFP to look that far back, but I was on real food in limited quantities. Please don't hate me, but I see everything from chicken tenders I grilled to steak.

    It really comes down to each of us being different. I'd probably push it a bit, just making sure everything was very moist and VERY well chewed.

    As someone mentioned, chili, roast beef hash, and other transitional foods may be a good point to start.

    I guess if the doctor isn't worried about it, that is some relief, but I know I'd not be happy to still be on soft/pureed food that far in.

    Patience is a virtue, it is said. Looks like you are being very virtuous!
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    What I don't understand is why the hesitation to actually make the supplements a meal or a snack? I've been seeing this a lot of mixing unflavored protein into things. It's a great idea, but you can do so much more.

    I'm not against making supplements a meal or snack, but for me it is a personal taste preference. I can't stand protein shakes. I've tried different flavors, mixes and ready made, to no avail. I've found a few bars that are okay, but get sick of them quickly if I have them too often. Hence the mixing unflavored powder in food.
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    almost 4 years out and i still do not do steak, pork. limited chicken, but lots of fish. you do what you need to do

    i still get 80 gms of protein daily in shakes, and 2=3 ounces of fish, yogurt, beans, ground meat, crock pot met
  • amylb0822
    amylb0822 Posts: 69 Member
    My Sleeve was 2/20. I am pretty lucky I guess. I stick to 1/2 cups servings and eat ground beef, shredded pork, and some finely chopped chicken fairly well. I do not try really tough or hard meats like steak or pork chops or barbecued or friend chicken. Baked white or light fish like cod, haddock, and sole are awesome and shrimp is fabulous too.

    I have been very cautious about vegetables. I do get some in if they are steamed and tender and I chew them really well.
    Celery, no matter how finely chopped, and then chewed gave me a bit of an issue. I didn't throw up, but I didn't like the feeling it gave me... so its off my list. I hear corn is not good to try, so it is off the list. I haven't been brave enough to try any lettuce...but a tomato piece and even raw onion cut small and chewed well was fine. I had a sugar snap pea raw the other day and everything about it was fine too. well roasted beets were divine.

    I make sure to get a lot of flavor in my foods, and add mild salsa, and tomato sauce frequently. I also think the added moisture with the meat is helpful.

    I avoid pasta, rice and all noodles and breads and potatoes.

    I have 3 cheese its a day if I crave a salty crunch... some days I don't some days I do.

    I have apple sauce, canned unsweetened peaches and am dying for some ripe mango again too!

    It seems weird, but the flavors I crave have changes.... so what ever healthy clean food I want for the day I have...

    I am having great success with not over thinking my foods, keep clean simple foods as my choices and not getting hung up on making meals that are "normal" ....

    Heck the other night I was craving beets and shrimp... so 4 slices of pickled beet and plain steamed shrimp with lemon it was !

    I love egg whites, in all forms... scrambled, hard boiled, and even in egg drop soup.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    6 months out and rice/pasta must still be in very small quantities. Just a taste of rice of 2 oz of pasta, same with any bread items. Curiously Kashi cerial goes down real well. I can eat this (3.8 to 4 oz cerial with 4 oz milk) very comfortably. Nice breakfast changeup on the weekends. Also very good for my fiber.

    At two months I was eating most meats and fishes - had not yet tried steak. Had to keep it mosit and CHEW very well, but I really did not have any problems. Everyone is different; if it's not good in March, try again in April (or May).