Bench press on the smith machine

Hi Sara and SS,
I started strong lifts about a month back. So far so good. But whenever I do the bench press, I feel my balance is not correct and the bar with the plates feels wobbly( don't know if I am explaining this correctly) Today my husband suggested that I should do it with the smith machine till I get my form right. What do u guys recommend? Should I do it with the smith maxhine or should I stick with the bar and do it with lighter weights till I get my form correct?
Pl advice
Thank u


  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Your balance will never get better using the smith machine as it takes away the need to stabilise the bar, once you go back to the free bar you will still have the same issue. Most likely it's not only that you cannot stabilise the bar it's that your body is not stable on the bench itself.

    Bench like anything else needs practise, I have been lifting for ages and I'm still working on how to set up better so I'm more stable.

    Go lighter and work back up and learn to set up on the bench this video
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    ^^agree with Hendrix.

    You will not solve the issue with going to a Smith Machine. Work on your form with the free weight.
  • Suzd1976
    Suzd1976 Posts: 52
    Thank u both for yr replies. Will stick to the bar and work on my form:flowerforyou:
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    Thank u both for yr replies. Will stick to the bar and work on my form:flowerforyou:
    I also find it helped my bench to change it up a little:

    one workout I use the Olympic bar, but for the next workout I use dumbbells. I alternate every other workout. This really helped me with balance and compensation issues, etc., and my ability to bench improved much more quickly.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I watched the series so you think you can bench on youtube and found if I postition myself correctly, tighten up and arch correctly the wobble goes away...

    The most telling part of that series for me was when the instructor walked around the guy benching and pushed on his knees and he wobbled...moved whatever...he then instructed to tighten up and that when someone does that your body shouldn't move.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    If you can post a video of your bench, we can give you specific input.
  • Suzd1976
    Suzd1976 Posts: 52
    Ok of these days will try to take a video and post it. Will even post a video of my squats so that you can tell me if I am going wrong with my form
    Thank you again
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Whenever you feel comfortable, you can post in the 'form check thread' or in this thread, whichever you prefer =).