Question About Macros: High Protein, Low Carb

smg959 Posts: 3 Member
I'm pretty new to trying IIFYM, and I have a couple of questions regarding my macro ratios from the calculator (at I'm 18F currently 169lbs and 5'8".

The macro ratios it gives me (even if I take fat from the default 0.40g to 0.35g) is: 57.2g carbs/169g protein/59.2g fat.

I NEVER even get close to hitting my protein goal and I typically have eggs, greek yogurt, and meat throughout my day. This seems almost unattainable. I can usually get around 100g. My carbs also seem very low compared to some of the splits I've seen. I have a hard time sticking to that limit while getting the recommended 34-42g fiber in.

Am I doing something wrong? Any tips on hitting these ratios?