Introduce yourself!



  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    I cant wait to start this journey with everyone! We have such a diverse but seems to be pretty committed group of people! cant wait!!
  • butterrum13
    butterrum13 Posts: 77 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Casey, and I'm a 31 year old married mom of three kids, ages 4, 3, and 15 months, and stepmom to an 11 year old. I work full time in banking operations, which unfortunately puts me at a desk 45 hours a week.

    I'm starting the shred again to help me reach my goal of Onederland before my cousin's mid-May wedding - ideally I'd like to be there by May 1. I've started it before but have never moved beyond level two. I started MFP just before Thanksgiving 2013 and have had good if slow results, but have really struggled during March. Glad to shred with all of you!
  • liljen69
    liljen69 Posts: 45
    Hello everyone--

    I'm Jen. I'm 42 and I have a husband and two teenagers (13-year old son and 17-year old daughter). They are all great - you don't need to feel sorry for me. :)

    I've had this DVD for YEARS and have started it many times but I never get very far (maybe a few days!). When I first got it, I was overweight and had never exercised before; it was too hard for me. About two years ago, I lost weight and started running. I love trail running but it's hard to fit in my busy schedule. I also love sugar so running on the weekends isn't enough for me. I'd like to lose about 20 pounds by my birthday in June.

    My biggest challenge will be getting my tired butt out of bed early enough to complete the workout before I'm off taking kids to school and going to work. Yeah....maybe I will do it when I get home in the evening.

    Thanks for starting the group.
  • caranais
    caranais Posts: 101 Member
    Hi Jade and everyone else in the group. I'm Sharon I'm 52, 4ft 11in and have become very overweight. (around 50lbs). I try to eat well most of the time, but due to arthritis, some other health issues, and let's face it - laziness - I've gained a lot of weight in the last couple of years. I need to start moving more and have wanted to do this for ages, but was afraid I'd fail - what a silly excuse - doing anything is better than sitting on the sofa right? so I'm now on day 3 (I'm going on holiday 29 April so will finish the day before I go) I'm surprised at how much I'm enjoying the weights and abs part of the DVD. I really need to tone up so hopefully this will help. I'm going to give this my best shot, Good Luck Everyone, and thanks for starting this group Jade xxx
  • miashbee
    miashbee Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone. Newbie to the group and a last minute joiner to the challenge (I saw the post on the forums :P). I'm a proud mommy of two kiddos (almost 7 and almost 6 months) and I work on the weekends. I turned 28 back in January and I"m working to hit my ultimate goal of 120 by my 29th birthday. I started my journey back in December of 2012, but got pregnant in January of 2013. I managed my whole pregnancy without putting on any extra weight (I'm at an obese level bmi), and I've dropped myself from 213 down to 189 now. I'm only 20 lbs from being officially "overweight" instead of obese which is a HUGE thing for me, so I'm hoping doing the shred will make a great leap towards that goal. I'm looking forward to April 1st :)
  • ochibi91
    ochibi91 Posts: 115 Member
    Hi everyone :)

    I'm ochibi91, 22 years old and am currently a student. My goal is to lose another 10~15 pounds. I have always been a chubby kid (lots of body fat to lose) despite being at a so-called healthy weight. I hope to reach my goal weight this year though I've set an interim goal of 110lbs by June 2014.

    Thanks for starting this group! It perfectly coincides with my plan to start the 30DS in April! I didn't lose any weight/inches this March because I went on Vacation for 2 weeks, so I am planning to start over again in April. I really do hope I get to lose some weight this time round, though losing inches would be tons better and which is also my main priority ! :)
  • DSFfit
    DSFfit Posts: 133 Member
    Hello, I am Chaya and I just discovered myfitnesspal today. I am 52 years old and I am trying to loose about ten stubborn pounds that I have had since the birth of my third child at age 40. I actually have started the 30day shred already but I wanted to join a group to motivate myself to keep going. I am on day 4 of level 1.
  • hulamama808
    hulamama808 Posts: 498 Member
    Aloha everyone. I'm Cassy, and I'm excited to have found this group. The timing is perfect as I've been in a motivational slump with regard to exercise. April promises to be a super busy month, and I'm hoping to exercise in the mornings so as to start off every day strong. I'm not a morning person, so the morning element of the challenge will be second only to the fact that my knees may rebel. My goal is to be consistent and smart about doing this challenge, and to modify things as necessary so as to make it all 30 days. Oh, I'm 48 years old, married 16 years, have one son in 2nd grade, and I teach 5th grade. I'm working hard to fight the pre-menopause muffin top bulge and have been losing the battle. I'm hoping (fingers crossed!) that this challenge helps me to turn the tide! :)
  • laoanime
    laoanime Posts: 15
    Hi my name is Bea. am married with 2 kids. I want to start and finish something for once. I have about 50lbs to lose all together. I am hoping to build more muscles and tone and of course lose some weight, but just the accomplishing all 30 days will be the main focus for me.
  • bethanytapp
    bethanytapp Posts: 79 Member
    Hi. I'm Bethany. I reached my goal weight last week and am trying to settle into a fitness routine as I maintain and had thought of doing 30 DS again to tone up a bit. Last time I did it was the start of my journey...10 months and 61 pounds ago so I thought it would be a good way to bookend the journey.

    If you're doing it for the first time, my recommendations are...
    (1) good shoes- I tried it a couple of times without and hurt my feet
    (2) push your limits b/c its only 20 minutes- try not to take breaks
    (3) have some water handy as you will work hard
  • Imperfect_Angel
    Imperfect_Angel Posts: 220 Member
    Hi all, I'm Tino from Scotland, UK & I'll be 23 in April. I've attempted the 30 Day Shred about 6 times but only ever got as far as day 8! This time I want it bad. Erm, hoping to lose about 10lbs on the shred & get out of the 200's for good. I'll be doing 90 minutes of cardio + strength in the gym along with the DVD.

    SW 211
    CW 205
    GW 160 + toned (subject to change when I reach this number)

    Excited to start, support & be supported by all of U. Feel free to add me
  • drmommy09
    drmommy09 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi I'm Doreen. I am 41 and a mom of two ( 4 yo and 4 month old). I work full time and have to travel for work. Since having my son in Nov, I have lost all the baby weight except for the last 5 lbs or so. I would really like to tone up and gain strength, much more than lose any more weight. I just ordered the shred DVD but will use the you tube videos if it doesn't come in by the 1st. I am breastfeeding so not overly watching calories right now.

    I was fairly active before the pregnancy and am looking to resume that--this will be a great start!
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    Hi! I'm Sally. I'm a 32 year old graduate student. I'm 5'2 and 148 pounds. Looking to lose about 10-13 pounds. This is perfect timing for me as well. I was doing great with my fitness goals but dropped the ball due to travel and lack of motivation. I am excited about giving and receiving support in this group. I've started the 30 day shred a few times but never finished it.
  • hulamama808
    hulamama808 Posts: 498 Member
    If you're doing it for the first time, my recommendations are...
    (1) good shoes- I tried it a couple of times without and hurt my feet
    (2) push your limits b/c its only 20 minutes- try not to take breaks
    (3) have some water handy as you will work hard

    Bethany: Thanks for the tips! Very cool that this is a "bookend" experience for you... Congratulations on your successful weight loss journey!
  • onlytati
    onlytati Posts: 45 Member
    Hi everyone!
    My name is Tatiana, I have about 15 lbs to lose. I got married 1.5 yrs ago and lost weight for that no problem, but gained it all back and can't get rid of it! Three of my best friends are getting married this summer, and I want to look good for it.
    My goal is to lose weight, and get toned in the process. Excited to do this!

    Please feel free to add me for daily encouragement!
  • allieO3390
    allieO3390 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi I'm Allie. I am a full time veterinary student which means I'm at school allll day long. I gained all my weight in a very short amount of time because of medication (60+ pounds in 8 months) and even though I have been off the medication for over a year I felt so down on myself that I gave up on myself ever getting back to where I was. I finally started really counting everyday the middle of February and I have already lost 12 pounds! I am excited to use 30 ds to keep me on track to my goal of getting down to 135lbs from my current weight of 194 and start toning as the weight comes off! Good luck everybody!
  • ohsopoetictee
    ohsopoetictee Posts: 7 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Tiffany, I am 24 years old and I just had my second child 7 weeks ago... I am currently 171 pounds and want to lose 30 pounds... Before I became pregnant I was 140 and I was happy with my weight. I just finished my degree in business administration and have five more weeks left of bonding time so by the time I go back to work, I want to feel great! After I had my first child I had tried 30 day shred and like many others I quite after not even a week. So this time I would like to do the whole 30 days, with no excuses!

    I look forward to getting to know you all and hope we can motivate each other and sticking to the whole 30 days & loose some weight!
  • muroo
    muroo Posts: 68
    Hi all!

    I'm almost 29 and unemployed (well, extremely underemployed) and feel like I have no excuse not to be in shape! Just 2 or 3 years ago I was at my ideal weight (almost 20 lbs lighter) and build and blamed increasing difficulties with my old job for the depression and the gain. And yet, more than 6 months after making the very difficult and in some ways foolish decision to leave the job, I am still the same ol' lazy bum. I'm tired of being grumpy and jealous of all my friends getting in shape and being a frustrated former athlete. :-) And my sister just told me she wanted me to be a bridesmaid in the summer. Time to take action! And reading the intros for the rest of you achieving, busy, capable, and powerful people, I feel even more like there are no excuses here. :-)

    I like helping people so feel free to friend and message me! I've always been one to err on the blunt side so I'll say....My underemployment is being a martial arts instructor (shouldn't I be fitter? sigh...but at least you know I'm used to being motivating and giving fitness instruction) and my depression has been through years of therapy and some medication. I'd love to lend an unjudging ear to anyone who needs it.

    Good luck everyone!
  • lindaandrews21
    Hi my name is Linda! I am super excited to get on track to be healthy! I am 24 and wanting to lose about 50 lbs. I live in the evergreen state of Washington. I really just need to find some motivation and some support plus I have my sister doing this awesome challenge with me so there is no excuse to fail! I am so excited to get to see everyone's results during the process and make new friends. April can not come soon enough!
  • melmustloseweight2014
    melmustloseweight2014 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi i'm Melissa. Im 24 and would like to lose about 20kg, This will be my second time doing the 30ds the first time i got to day 6 and stopped. Feel free to add me
    Good luck everyone :)