Lifting heavy

cweaver1981 Posts: 76 Member
I lift weights a couple times a week, but no free weights over 12 pounds so far. I would like to start lifting heavy to build more muscle, but I am not really sure how to get started and I have never used this kind of equipment at the gym before. I have always wanted to try some stuff out when the gym isn't busy, but I don't want to do it wrong and hurt myself. Any suggestions?


  • metanoia0116
    metanoia0116 Posts: 143 Member
    Could you schedule a session with one of the trainers and they could help you learn the machines. I had a giant fear of the Smith because there were so many buff sailors using them but eventually I said eff it and tried. Now I don't care at all.

    You can watch youtube videos too and as weird as it sounds, watch yourself in the mirror to check for form.
  • cweaver1981
    cweaver1981 Posts: 76 Member
    I've always wanted to look at myself in the mirrors and grunt the like the big guys at the gym:)
  • metanoia0116
    metanoia0116 Posts: 143 Member
    I am looking forward to the day I can kiss my biceps and make scary lifting face. lol
  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    lo. you girls are funny... as i started this weight lifting journey, also first time at that side of the gym and i already joined a purely guys gym (i feel super badass). i'd say have a look at the new rules of lifting for women book if you want to buy it. many people suggest starting strenght, it's a very easy to understand FREE pdf workout. once u have the schedule, just google the exercises and go right ahead as if u belong in there, coz u do belong in there.
    i also just found the strong curves book, by bret contreras, the glutes guy. it's great if you want to build a nice butt, i know i do :)