Gonna make it work

LadyMud17 Posts: 193 Member
Ok,, hooch has been keeping me from my goals,, NOt any more. No week day drinking. 2 drinks when we go out, and 4 floating drinks for the weekend (Friday, Sat and Sunday). I am going to plan to win, not fail. I hate not feeling 100%, I hate the wasted money and calories.


  • These_goto_11
    These_goto_11 Posts: 81 Member
    You want an accountability partner? Your "rules" seem to fit me also.
  • su11378
    su11378 Posts: 17
    I'm in too! I've wasted so much money on drinks and have nothing to show for it except 20lbs of extra fat around my stomach! I'm on day 4 of counting calories and not drinking.
  • These_goto_11
    These_goto_11 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi su,

    Congrats on day 4. I've been struggling with cutting down/quitting for some time, making it 5-6 days, then "rewarding myself!

    One of reasons I joined MFP was because I didn't want to log in my beer!

    I'm on day 2.
  • su11378
    su11378 Posts: 17
    Hi Sjtoby, I hear you on the "rewarding". I can usually go for about 8 -12 days max then I feel like I deserve a reward and go nuts and overindulge. I then get mad at myself for going off plan and throw my hands in the air and stop counting calories and start drinking again. It's a vicious cycle for me. I sometimes feel like I can't just be a "social" drinker like friends I know. I drink to get a buzz and because I have such a high tolerance I can really put away the wine and beer which has been disasterous in my 30's around my waist! Anyway, I'm taking it day by day. Today I am on day 6! I feel mentally a lot better and more in control. I even agreed to be the DD yesterday when my family went to a brewery! Boy, was that hard but I did it and feel so proud of myself today to have that control!! Good luck and friend me anyone!! I need all the support possible!
  • These_goto_11
    These_goto_11 Posts: 81 Member
    I have been in that cycle! I, too, have a high tolerance. But when I drink, I smoke more and eat like crap, if I eat at all. And when I quit/cut back on drinking, I eat junk! And that does not do much for my energy level or state of mind.

    Good luck to all of us! Got thru day 2, tomorrow after work is my witching hour.
  • LadyMud17
    LadyMud17 Posts: 193 Member
    I have a good tolerance,, damn those German genes! I love my gin, and being a homeschooling mom witha husband who works long hours, by the end of the day, a buzz and quiet sound like heaven. But I am unhappy with it! I don't like how I feel the next day, and feels like a waste of money and calories! Day one for me :) and going well!
  • TriciannT
    TriciannT Posts: 58 Member
    I have been in a similar situation before.