April Exercise Challenge (read first post)

Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
Welcome to the April Exercise Challenge this month I want to try something different. for the whole month I want use to do
The Biggest Loser Workout Last Chance Work out. it is 60 mins. but I want to break it up into 3 parts so we are not doing it all one day. ( if you wish to do it all at once you can)


1st day do the video up to 34:26 . which is some light weights and cardio

2nd day start at 34.40-45:34 arms work out

3rd day starts at 45:34-55:22 Legs work out

55:22 to end is the cool down and stretch, make sure to always stretch after any work out.

On top of this, I am going to be adding a different challenge each week


  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Sounds great, Skittles! Count me in! :drinker:
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    aside from this I am stilling doing zumba, body pump, light yoga, walking and my core class.
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Wow, Skittles, impressive array of workouts!
  • EmotionalEater84
    EmotionalEater84 Posts: 311 Member
    I'm changing my routine up too!! I'm signing up for my very first 5K in September and I'm going to try the C25K app. Very excited to do this and nervous too!! I'm going to try to incorporate some free weights inbetween, but if it slows my running progress it will be few and far between. I've always wanted to be a runner. This is my goal for April!

    I hope you're all ready to kick some butt and take some names this month! ;)
  • SadieRose07
    SadieRose07 Posts: 104 Member
    Awesome goal, Skittles! Are you putting this challenge up that we all do the biggest loser video or can we set our own goals for April? :-)
  • BrokenAlice
    BrokenAlice Posts: 49 Member
    I'm not keen on the BL video, mostly because I'm not a Jillian fan, but I have another BL DVD at home that I will do. I'm also setting myself a Squat challenge. I downloaded an app on my iphone which will build in intensity day by day throughout the month. These willo be my April activity goals.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    Awesome goal, Skittles! Are you putting this challenge up that we all do the biggest loser video or can we set our own goals for April? :-)

    Its any idea to work at but if you have others or want to try something different go for it.

    @Alica I saw something for a square challenge and I think I want to also try that for april.
  • SadieRose07
    SadieRose07 Posts: 104 Member
    Okay, so my april goal will be 60 minutes every day of intentional exercise & track my food every day for the month!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    Happy April fools day everyones. the fool is our weight and we will show it who is boss. today they say it should be 70 today, maybe it was a joke on us haha. right now its 43 so i'm still happy lol today I am doing my Biggest loser video and if anyone wishes to join me on that also I have a good video this week if anyone wants to try it for 3 days this week. its a nice stretching video because I know before I wouldn't do a lot of this and we all need a good stretch. Its about 15 mins and I do this at night to help just relax.


    also for today I plan to do my C25K with jogging, and my Zumba class. I am also going to add fruit to ever meal today.

    so what is everyone fav fruits to eat?
  • SadieRose07
    SadieRose07 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm going to try that stretching video, skittles, I too need to do more of that. Thanks for sharing!

    I woke up starving! positively starving! this morning. Still have my banana and then chug some water. Walk with the dog as long as the rain hold out. 60 minutes of exercise for today though! I will do it! I'll check back in later to report my status. :-)

  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    Sadie whats the 0/1800? and you can do 60 mins a day, I know you can because just think your dog would love the walking as well :) and what did you eat the nigth before? maybe it just wasn't enough food?

    today I walked 30 mins on 3.0 on the treadmill. and I did my very first C25K jogging and boy wow was it hard to keep up with the 60 sec jogging. and it was even a light jog but I did it. I went outside and enjoyed our nice sunny weather because who knows how long it will get cold again. and boy did i sweat haha. but I'll do it again. I also see my self staying on the same week for 2 weeks or so before moving. I am just going to take my time.
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    I did the first part of the biggest loser today. It wasn't too bad. A lot of the exercises are in the 30 day shred, so it was fun. I did some scissor kicks as well and I will probably do some boxing this evening.

    Woot! Way to go, Skittles! I'm so impressed you are doing C25K! :drinker:

    How is everyone else getting on?
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    thanks zombie and glad you liked the video, ya it does have a lot of the same as the 30DS, I think i like it because the people are tiny haha. and I did the first week day 1 of the C25K and it wasn't as easy as I was thinking lol but I stayed in it and kept going. in an hour I'll be heading to zumba and tonight if its not still windy me and the hubby will be going to a nice walk.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    This is a post from STAR not me, it was in March's so I brought it over here

    Sadie: Nice job with your walk time/distance!! YAY YOU! And yeah, living in California has some perks...that's why we pay a RIDICULOUS amount of money in ALL ways to live here! lol. But I'm soo happy with my garden! I'm beginning to branch out and get more comfortable. I started with the easy stuff tomatoes, basil, bell peppers...This year I'm getting into the stuff that grows underground: carrots, garlic. We'll see how it goes!

    Skittles: So excited for you and your C25K workouts!! How did W1D1 go??? And congrats on the OVER 4lb loss! WOOT WWOOOOOTTTT!!!

    I swam yesterday but it wasn't a very good workout. I ended up only doing about 25 minutes total because my gear kept malfunctioning! First of all my swimcaps kept popping up. I have a head full of braids so I have to wear two of them and they would NOT stay in place for some reason. And then second my goggles kept leaking...to top it all off, the pool was full so I was sharing a lane with this old guy that would NOT stay on his side! HAHAHAH...his arms were flailing about and he was swimming crooked and every time we would pass each other he would either hit me or kick me. LOL. He'd better be lucky I've got a soft spot in my heart for old people!!! So...I ended up just cutting it short. It was really nice to be in the water though. I'll go again next Saturday or Sunday.

    I MAY try to do a C25K workout tonight. Oh, btw...I bought a new scale and it weighs a full FIVE POUNDS HEAVIER than my old scale! I was soo bummed!!! So, I put my weight at the new scale weight which is 316...guess I'm further away from being in TWOterville than I thought!

    Whatever, I'll keep pushing! But my new goal is to be UNDER 300lbs for my birthday on June 13th. 10 weeks to lose at least 17lbs. A few weeks ago that would have sounded like a PIECE OF CAKE. Now, I'm not sure!!!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    Star your doing amazing, and I can't wait to swim. but I am shooting for 37 off by june 3rd so yours will be even better and us june babies got to stick it to the 300 club haha. if we don't hit our goals by our birthdays we will shot for the end of june and both be out of 300.

    as for w1d1 it wasn't as easy as I was thinking lol. and I was doing a light jog haha. but I'm going to keep going. also the hubby has a surprise for me for my bday but he had to tell me now. if all is good with his work we are going on a cruise for my birthday:love: we will leave May 30th and I think come back June 6th or 7th I have to double check so I'm crossing my fingers and hoping he can get the time off for vacation. and I promised my self I am using their gym every day, plus using the track they have and not over eating. I am going to enjoy it with out worrying about the food. I have been on this ship before for our honeymoon in sept.

    also today I for back to the dentist :grumble: to get my permeant crown for my tooth so I'm hoping that is just a easy thing. but today I have zumba depending how the doc goes and I want to get some walking in.
  • SadieRose07
    SadieRose07 Posts: 104 Member
    hey everyone!

    Exhausted; up most of the night/morning with the dog who has the runs, is vomitting and coughing. Vet says it's not worms, so she has an appointment later today. I'm not sure if I should walk her, she seems fine, not lethargic, but then on the other hand perhaps it's better if she just stays quiet. poor thing.

    Skittles, the numbers are 60minx30day=1800 minutes for April. ;-) I didn't hit 60 minutes yesterday, but I'll make it up. gotta run, actually on a conference call right now. LOL

  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Thank you Skittles for bringing me over here!! I got stuck in March I guess! lol!

    Yes!!! Let's DO THIS GIRL!!!! I agree...the whole month of June is fair game to reach our goals!! I would LOVE to be under 300 by that day though....just the GIFT of being able to be at my lowest weight in YEARS would be so awesome. :o) BUT TO GET THERE I"VE GOT TO PUT IN WORK LIKE YOU!!!!

    BTW, CONGRATULATIONS on completing W1D1!!!! Here is a little advice from someone that is working on C25K for the second time...just relax and don't be ashamed to repeat days! I'm serious, go at your own pace through the program and don't worry about your speed or distance. If you are feeling like you can't complete the workout at the pace you are going SLOW DOWN to a pace that you can do it. For now just work on getting through it...everything else will come later. You are AWESOME Lady!!!!!

    Sadie: ohhh noooooooo!!!!! I'm so sorry to hear your pup is sick! Yeah, I don't think you should walk her...she probably needs to just lay low until the vet can see her. Please keep us posted!!

    @zombie: Wow! You rock! I just watched that video and it seemed a bit advanced for me!

    Great job ladies!

    As for me...I AM SORE!!! That run on Saturday plus the swim on Monday really worked me!! SO VERY AWESOME! I'm going to hit the elliptical machine tonight HARD!! I'm actually looking forward to it!

    Have a great day!
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Weights day today for me, so it was perfect for the arm and leg workout and I got some walking in too!

    @Star - thanks! :flowerforyou:

    @Sadie - Oh no! Your poor dog. I hope she is ok. I agree with Sadie, better not to walk her until she is all better.

    @Skittles - Wow! Amazing, as always! Good luck with the dentist. I am in awe of your dedication what with planning on going to Zumba after going to the dentist!

    I love your plans for your birthdays, girls. You have both so got this! I would love to be out of the 300's by June, but realistically it will probably be the end of June for me. Only 40lbs more to go before I see a 2! I can't believe I am nearing 300lbs than 400lbs. I've almost lost 70lbs, which I've lost two times before (over a longer time frame, but with a much lower starting weight) and put it all back on again, so I'm excited about keeping going til I reach goal and STAY THERE this time!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    Sadie I'm so sorry about your poor doogy please keep us posted on what the vet says.

    Star I did w1d2 because tomorrow I knew I wouldn't be able to do much. also still very jealous of you swimming,haha also I know we can both get to see the 2's in no time. just keep your head up.

    zombie i'm with you on it and I know you can see 2's as well. I also see 300 closer then 400, I was 370 when I started and now I look at it as I'm so close to 300. its a great feeling. and WTG on losing 70lbs thats great

    today the dentist wasn't bad I thought it would hurt but they put the crown on and I didn't need a shot woo hoo, I also did my C25K and zumba as well as 45 mins of the biggest loser. tomorrow I just have one class and I'm going with my mom to get her wedding dress for her wedding.
  • SadieRose07
    SadieRose07 Posts: 104 Member
    Star, Skittles, Zombie you're all doing so amazing, keep it up!

    I on the other hand suck. I did a slow 30 minutes today and I thought my ankle was going to break in two. That's only cause I"m fat and unfit. Some days, even though it's not possible, I really wish there was a magic pill. *sigh* I know only hard work will get me more fit.

    I didn't take Sadie to the vet yesterday, thought she was on the mend. Then on our walk (just got back) there was blood in her poop. So off to the vet's we go this afternoon. Other then that she's fine, still her happy go lucky self.

    Have a great day everyone. I promise to be more optimistic and cheerful the next time I post. :-)
