Just starting out!

Utahgirl12 Posts: 172 Member
Hi, I'm Lucy from the UK and am just starting out to look at this whole Paleo?Primal thing.

I've lost 23 pounds so far, with about the same to go again. I did this by first counting calories on MFP (1200 first then reading about how this was too low and then upping them) and then by going to a UK based slimming club called Slimming World.

I really need a bit of a change now, so have come back to MFP and have been reading all about Paleo. I've downloaded Robb Wolf's Paleo Solution book and also Mark Sisson's primal Blueprint.

I like the idea of eating clean and this is one reason why I have moved away from my slimming club....I was allowed up to 15 "syns" a day and was spending these on crisps and chocolate, just because I could, yet staying away from things such as avocado! Instinctively I know that doesn't make sense for my body. I also have not eaten meat for 7 years (although I ate fish) and have just reintroduced chicken in order to up my protein levels. I will consider eating other meats too.

So, I'm still trying to get my head around it all. I've set my calories at 1500 but am unsure what to set my macros at; currently they are carbs 40%, fat & protein 30%. I have no idea if that is right?? I also eat dairy....small amounts of cheese, but use almond milk as opposed to cows milk.

So far my usual daily menu consists of

Breakfast; home made quiche made with eggs, quark and veggies (chooped onion, pepper etc) with a sprinkling of parmesan on top. An apple and almond butter.

Snack of greek yogurt and frozen berries with hemp seeds. About 5 almonds.

Lunch; a chicken or salmon salad.

Dinner; fish or chicken with veg.

Dessert; a soya pudding with raspberries and almond butter.

I don't feel hungry at all on this, but wonder if there is anything I am doing wrong?

I run about 3 times a week....I'm a plodder training for a 10k, at the moment I can run about 2 miles, and then run/walk the third. i know this will get easier as the weight comes off. I also have a gym membership I don't use (blush), but know I need to get back there and do some weights.

Thank you of you have read this far! Please please.....offer me any advice, criticise my menu, all advice gratefully received!

Sorry for such a long self indulgent post!

Lucy x:smile:


  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    So, I'm still trying to get my head around it all. I've set my calories at 1500 but am unsure what to set my macros at; currently they are carbs 40%, fat & protein 30%. I have no idea if that is right??
    I would set it (for starters) at 20% carbs, 30% protein and 50% fat - and then adjust it as you learn about what works best for you.

    I'll let others make food suggestions. Good luck on your journey! :)
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    I agree with Monkey Dharma about the settings (50% fat, etc).

    To me, 1500 calories sounds so low. Especially while training for a 10K. But I don't know your specific height/weight/metabolism/etc., so perhaps it could work perfectly for you. I can pretty consistently lose if I eat around 2000 (but I am also still nursing my son, and I don't log any walking I do--which is a lot, since I live in the city and rarely drive to do errands).
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    So, I'm still trying to get my head around it all. I've set my calories at 1500 but am unsure what to set my macros at; currently they are carbs 40%, fat & protein 30%. I have no idea if that is right??
    I would set it (for starters) at 20% carbs, 30% protein and 50% fat - and then adjust it as you learn about what works best for you.

    I'll let others make food suggestions. Good luck on your journey! :)

    Good advice. I require a higher fat and lower carb eating plan due to metabolic issues, but no one should eat under 50% fat. My settings are currently 70% fat, 25% protein, and 5% carbs. Not everyone needs to do that; all of us are different.

    I've been Primal/Paleo for 20 months and am very passionate and outspoken about it. I have an entry under "Success Stories" too.

    Welcome. :flowerforyou:
  • Utahgirl12
    Utahgirl12 Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks for your replies. I've adjusted the macros as suggested. I will be over my carbs today.....I thought by cutting out bread/cereal etc I would be fine, but I can see the high carbs in fruit. 9 in a kiwi fruit?? Any suggestions as to how I can cut my carbs further?

    Also.....my weight currently is 172. I've set my level at sedentary and my exercise logs from endomondo, which I try to eat nearly all back. I've set my cals at TDEE - 20%.....which equals 1410 cals for a loss. I exercise about 3 times a week, so eat much more than this then. Some of you have suggested this is too low. I really need to see my weight decrease. Any advice?

    Thanks again,


    Will check out all the success stories later to feel inspired.
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    I thought by cutting out bread/cereal etc I would be fine, but I can see the high carbs in fruit. 9 in a kiwi fruit?? Any suggestions as to how I can cut my carbs further?
    Keep in mind that sugar is not your friend - whatever the source. That doesn't mean eliminating fruit entirely, but it shouldn't be a mainstay. Skew towards the lower-sugar fruits like berries.

    Without getting into all of the technical folderol, the basic rule is "eat plenty of plants and animals, go easy on the roots and fruits".
  • ruiadh
    ruiadh Posts: 4
    Thanks for the advice everyone - I've been easing into Paleo over the last week, and today was my first full genuine paleo day. I was getting very confused after reading The Paleo Solution then the Paleo Answer, though I think I must just be tired, I felt I was getting conflicting information at one point, but your posts on here have cleared up percentages and so on for fat, carbs, and protein. Who knew that a large banana had 27 carbs, or a half a large papaya, had 19? Eeep! These were standard fare and full of useful nutrients!

    Having been on a nearly veggie,lots of grains, pulses, soy, pasta, and potatoes way of eating, I lost 26 lbs, but stalled, and continually craved fat and FOOD, even though I was eating lots. I too joined Slimming World in the UK and followed their "green day" (high carbs, low protein). No wonder I was feeling under the weather all the time, just never quite up to how I know I used to feel. I also have an auto-immune disease, hidradenitis suppurativa, and am hoping paleo will help normalise that too. I know I ought to be doing the Auto Immune Protocol, but I have to get my hubby along for the ride, and that's a step too far right now. I can see him ending up on Primal I think!

    Thanks for the ""eat plenty of plants and animals, go easy on the roots and fruits" adage Monkeydharma :-)
  • butterbear1980
    butterbear1980 Posts: 234 Member
    Lucy, welcome to the group and congrats on your decision to try paleo; you are going to love it! Regarding macros, I really wouldn't sweat it at first! Fruit is a wonderful dessert. And if all your carbs are coming from fruits and veggies you will be doing awesome! But if you do want to dial in carbs net carbs are the number of carbs minus the amount of fiber and berries are the lowest carb fruit. Paleo isn't necessarily a low carb diet, bananas, sweet potatoes, and honey are all wonderful nourishing foods.
  • ruiadh
    ruiadh Posts: 4
    Mspunkyone, thanks for your comments about macros - it sounds stupid to sweat it over carbs and macros doesn't it? , I think I shall just go with the flow and not worry to much about the macros - which are, after all, for guidance. The Paleo way of eating is so straightforward, it's hard to go wrong really!

    I must admit I'm loving it - and even the mainly veggie husband is stepping up to the mark bless him. I just hope it helps his incipient arthritis and various allergies! Mind you, he made Paleo bread this morning - hmmm, more like cake, and to be honest? I think I'd rather not bother.

    I just need to be organised in terms of food for lunches - though meat and salad are always easy to come by - I've got a beef stew in the slow cooker - tons of veg in with it already, home made stock, and will have it with curly kale, sprouts, and courgettes. - there should definitely be left-overs for lunch tomorrow :-)

    What do people generally do for breakfasts? Any good ideas? I made Banana and Almond pancakes this morning with blackberries, raspberries, and a bit more banana, but weekdays are a bit tighter time wise, and last week I just had a bowl of fruit with seeds.

    So glad to be doing Paleo, it really does make sense! Wish I'd heard of it years ago.
  • Utahgirl12
    Utahgirl12 Posts: 172 Member
    Hi everyone, thanks for your replies. I've just got in after 24 hours without internet, (trying out our new campervan in a rural location) and have been inputting my food into yesterday and today's diaries.

    It was interesting to see that whereas my husband was panicking about taking snacks such as cereal bars when we went hiking, I was confident enough to just take a little pot of nuts, which I didn't need to open. This way of eating definitely keeps me feeling full.

    I did go over my carb intake yesterday, but am not stressing too much over it. I gained nearly a 1000 cals from exercise logged from Endomondo, and enjoyed a pint of cider with my dinner in a pub and had 2 small glasses of wine with lunch. As a one off treat I had chips (fries) with my steak, but they logged as 56g of carbs!!! Was easily able to say no the the usual favourite garlic bread starter.

    Eating in the campervan could prove challenging, as we have no oven, but do have 2 gas burners. For lunch yesterday I did a salad with chicken (I took it ready cooked), and ate out in the pub in the evening. For breakfast today I ate celery with almond butter and 5 almonds and 5 pistachios, while my husband heated up porridge. I then had another salad with beef slices for lunch, whilst he had his with cheese and bread. Since I got home I have had a beef stir fry for dinner.

    Still need to keep reading up on this and getting my head around it. I appreciate all your support. Would anyone like to make any suggestions on my food diaries??

    Lucy x
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    But if you do want to dial in carbs net carbs are the number of carbs minus the amount of fiber and berries are the lowest carb fruit.
    I wouldn't bother with net carbs - net carbs was a dodge by the Atkins crowd to allow carbs without counting them.

    Mark Sisson and others have stated that the carb levels in the primal/paleo diet are TOTAL carbs - including fiber.
    100g-150g/day - maintenance
    50g-100g/day - weight loss
    under 50g/day ketogenic