Veggies, Fiber and Carbs OH MY

So, I'm new to this. But I'm finding that I'm having difficulty keeping my carbs low enough and getting enough fiber--i.e. when I log a huge green salad, that is like 1/2 my carbs but only show a few grams of fiber.

How do I keep the veggies limited to keep my carbs low, but ensure I get enough fiber? What do most of you do for veggies -- are carrots/peppers/cukes out?

(Yes, I understand "net carbs" and that veggies have some fiber, but it still seems like per the MFP calculations, most have far more carbs than fiber.)



  • Miamiuu
    Miamiuu Posts: 262 Member
    Hi. best thing to do if you like salads is to familiarize yourself with how many carbs are in each thing. For instance 1 cup of romaine has 5 carb grams and I think 2 are fiber. I think most lettuces are around the same as romaine. A few lower carb vegs that I recommend are pickles, green beans, and bell peppers. Also it depends on how low you are going on your carbs. You can eat higher low carb then 20 grams and probably still lose the weight. I personally only eat veggies every few days so I can have bowel movements. I dont usually count the fiber I try to make sure I get a little vegetable in.
  • Citrislazer
    Citrislazer Posts: 312 Member
    Nuts, flax, avocado, blackberries, collard greens, spinach, chard, cauliflower, Mustard Greens, Chicory, Endive, and chia seeds are good sources of fiber too...