Welcome and introductions!



  • lockeddoor
    lockeddoor Posts: 103 Member

    Full disclosure: I HATE 5K. It hurts. I'd rather run for two or three hours than sprint for 20 something minutes.

    I feel the EXACT same way. Give me a half-marathon over a 5K any day! I've run longer distances and averaged out a faster pace than my usual 5K pace.

    I have been running for almost a year and a half, though I have been mostly too impoverished to enter a lot of races. I've only done 4 races, total, in fact, in that entire time (though I used that time to build a good, solid base). Just ran a 4th of July 5K. New PR in spite of the hot temperature and high humidity that day. My goal was to get in under 26 minutes, and I finished at 25:42. Not exactly lightning fast or anything, but it's fast for ME, considering that 5Ks are the one distance I tend to mentally crash and burn (I psych myself out, and I need to stop. I view myself as a long distance runner, and a 5K just seems exactly like a sprint. I don't sprint, LOL!).

    I'd definitely like to improve my 5K times. My other longer distances have all seen some major improvements this past year (placed 6th for my age division for my first half-marathon), but my 5K finish time has barely budged since my first one (27:32). I know a lot of it is in my head, so I need to stop self-sabotaging myself. 5Ks are my most dreaded distance to run LOL! So, this is exactly why I should run more of them and work on it, so it stops being this monumental scary thing in my head.
  • litsy3
    litsy3 Posts: 783 Member

    I've run longer distances and averaged out a faster pace than my usual 5K pace.

    Do you warm up? It might just take you the first three miles of a half to get going....
  • lockeddoor
    lockeddoor Posts: 103 Member

    I've run longer distances and averaged out a faster pace than my usual 5K pace.

    Do you warm up? It might just take you the first three miles of a half to get going....

    This most recent one was the first one where I decided to warm up right before the race (for some reason it never occurred to me to run before I run, even though it was obvious to every other experienced runner that THAT was my problem LOL, and I'm glad I took their advice), and I think that's the reason why I got a new PR instead of just totally bombing! :)