Exercise plans

cathy0536 Posts: 137 Member
New challenge, time to refresh the exercise plans?

I am just reaching the end of my first round of Les Mills combat - I would recommend it, feels effective and burns lots of cals - but I am ready for a change and to take advantage of the longer days - so am planning another round of Turbofire but missing out week 7 - which was a bit of a weird rest week. Alongside going to have a go at C25K - have run a 5K many years ago so know I can do it, and ran for 15 mins straight last week and think C25K programme definitely achievable.

Anyone else got any plans or want to join me with C25K?


  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I just started Zombie 5K training which is similar to C25K except you are running from zombies. Running is most definitely a new challenge for me. I never ran more than 5 seconds LOL
  • msmimi
    msmimi Posts: 381 Member
    I'm going to do a walking program for 6 weeks then switch to a walk to run program and finally to a run program!:happy:
  • metanoia0116
    metanoia0116 Posts: 143 Member
    I am using the Zombie run app. It isn't really a trainer but it is helping me run longer. I have done C25k and enjoyed it.
  • Shaky44
    Shaky44 Posts: 214 Member
    I plan to continue to do a strength program 3x/ week (Stronglifts 5x5) and cardio on most of the other days.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I am using the Zombie run app. It isn't really a trainer but it is helping me run longer. I have done C25k and enjoyed it.

    There most certainly is a zombie trainer. There are 2 apps, one is Zombie 5K and the other is Zombie 5k training. I have both.
  • Taylorxxlynne
    Taylorxxlynne Posts: 210 Member
    I would love to do the C25K but my iPod doesn't download the app even though I updated. But, instead I'm doing Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30. I finished 30 Day Shred last Friday.
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    I need to spend some time thinking about this. I do agree with Shaky on weight training, I'm likely to start investing a bit more time and effort on the strength side of the equation. I am interested in reducing the risk of a backslide on my weight loss, everything I read leads me to believe weight training will help mitigate that risk by upping my calorie burn rate.
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    I need to think more carefully about this question. I have been in a challenge that requires so many minutes of cardio and strength training a week. It ends before this challenge starts.

    I think I would like to do more variety with my cardio and start doing some Zumba, kickboxing or step routines. I also want to increase my strength training (currently only 90-100 minutes a week) because I want to do more with my core as well as gain strength in my upper body.

    So those are my ideas. I hope to come up with a more comprehensive plan before the challenge gets underway.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    I currently do 60 minutes of Body Pump at my gym on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays. I am coaching Girls on the Run at my school on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and get 30-40 minutes of 5k practice in on those days. I have a 5k in April and another in May. I do Yoga on Mondays and sometimes Wednesday or Saturday after Body Pump, and I have an elliptical at home that I hop on any given day of the week (except usually not Tuesdays or Thursdays) and a dog that needs walking as well. I feel pretty comfortable with my routine. I would like to try a couple of spin classes. I've been thinking of adding them Mondays and Wednesday mornings (the yoga is in the afternoon) but I can't seem to motivate myself to get up that early on those days. I've occasionally tried out a 30 minute class on Sundays called CX Worx that is a core workout. Sometimes I think that I should add some regular strength training to my schedule (the Body Pump is high rep, low weight - about 60 lbs. for my squats, 30 for my chest, etc. but we do 800 reps in an hour of total body - squats, chest, back, triceps, biceps, lunges, shoulders, abs), anyway, I just don't know what days or when I would or should find the time for that. Plus I hide back in the GGX room to do the Body Pump. The weight area scares me! I tried it when I first joined the gym and I didn't like the young guys laughing at me. Rude! It really made me think "I'm going to get strong and SHOW you", but then it really did make me feel embarrassed and shy about getting back out there on the floor. I'm intimidated by it, which is funny because some of the women I've talked to are the opposite, they are afraid to take a Pump class.

    Oh and I mustn't forget the hiking! I live in a beautiful area of Colorado that has mountains just minutes away, but we are on the edge of Utah, so we also have the beautiful red dirt, the Colorado National Monument is just a mere 15 minutes away, so by March the trails are quite dry. I also completed a 14er last year, and then fell on my 2nd 14er and hurt my tailbone so badly that I couldn't do my usual workout routine for some time. My goal this summer is 2-3 14ers. The 14ers have to be completed late June to early September for prime weather conditions, and even then it's iffy. So I practice on smaller heights until then and after then, and the plan is to do at least 1 hike every other week (generally a weekend when not on Spring or Summer Break).
  • Rianne90
    Rianne90 Posts: 229 Member
    I'm hoping my foot gets better soon (I did something to it last tuesday, not sure what exactly but it hurts to walk after a few steps since then), so I can get back to training for a 10-mile run I want to do in september.
    If not, I'll probably sub cycling for running, but I'd rather run :(. I also do bootcamp 2x a week (except for this week obviously since I hurt my foot).
    I'm hoping to reach at least a BMI of 25 (preferably less) by july 4th, but being in good shape/fit/being able to run/cycle a good distance is more important to me :) I do hope the two can be achieved simultaneously though..
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    This grammy has to start very s l o w l y as I have not done anything since last fall.
    To begin I am going to say 10 minutes of walking 2 X a day, 4 days a week. I really hope I will do more than that, but I would rather set my goals too low rather than too high.
  • StreetBystander
    StreetBystander Posts: 39 Member
    Here is my current plan:

    Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 30 minutes elliptical
    Tuesday/Thursday: 30 minutes walking and jogging intervals
    Saturday: Longer "run"
    Sunday: As long as I'm moving, it's all good. (Bike ride on the inter-town trail. Shooting hoops with my boyfriend. Maybe a class at the university recreational center.)

    Once I can stick with exercising on a consistent basis, I will modify this plan as needed. I'm trying to focus more on making exercise a habit than creating a workout schedule that is perfect or all-encompassing.

    (On a side note: It is ~hard~ typing from the couch and using the t.v. as a computer monitor. I need some new glasses.)
  • BLillard68
    BLillard68 Posts: 309 Member
    I plan to ride my bike around the neighborhood for 3-5 miles daily as long as the weather is good. On days that it is either too cold or too wet, I will be working out inside on the elliptical. I will change things up every other week by walking 3-5 miles daily to give my body/muscles a change so that I will continue to lose weight!

    I am also participating in another challenge on MFP (Oh My Thighs! April Challenge) so I also plan on doing some strength/toning exercises on my legs/thighs this month. For the other months, I will most likely find other challenges to help keep me motivated.

    Good luck everyone!
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    I don't have my schedule planned out as detailed as most of you. I'm thinking about cutting back my running to 4 days a week (from 7) and use the other 3 days for strength training. I signed up to run a 10K at the end of April so that's my focus right now. I'm feeling very good about that. I did my first outdoor 10K today. I completed it in just under 60 minutes. Once that's done, I want to focus on running a 10 Miler in the fall. There's a half in January that my sister runs (she does the full marathon). Depending on how my training for the 10 miler goes, I might join her in January.
  • katimorris87
    katimorris87 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm fortunate enough to have a lot of weight equipment at my home so I of course love to lift. It's been a big part of my weight loss so far, but I've stalled out and hit a pretty terrible plateau. My goal for this challenge is to amp up the cardio. I've got Turbofire, T25, Insanity on DVD, and a lot more on Xbox fitness. I hope to do as much as possible on these new things to 'shock' my body into losing again. :)
    It's going to be hard for me because my whole focus for the last few years has been getting stronger and the weight loss was an added bonus. For some reason when the weight loss stopped, I got discouraged on lifting too. I am just in a funk and need out of it asap!
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    I want to do something every day even if it is just 10 minutes.

    I'll do some Walk Away the Pounds videos
    and a basic weight training routine 3x per week.
    Add in some yoga and stretching
  • KMasz
    KMasz Posts: 2,677 Member
    Right now I am currently running Mon & Thurs, lifting Tues & Fri, and walking between 30-75 mins Mon thru Fri with little exercise on the weekends (mainly because the weather is crap) but I will be adjusting this to be Running in the afternoons & Lifting in the evenings on Mon, Wed, & Fri, continue walking 30 mins on running & lifting days and 75 mins on Tues & Thurs, and now with the nice weather approaching I will be hiking or walking at least one day of the weekend! I have a half marathon coming up May 18th (which will be interesting because the furthest I've ever run was 10k and that's only happened once... 2 weeks ago...) so after that I will re-evaluate how often I run, but I like running, so it probably won't change a whole lot
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    I just stared going to the track. Ive been walking 1 1/2 miles. My plan is to keep increasing my pace so I can be fit enough to jog some. I also plan on doing strength training (got to tone these flabby arms). My goal is to exercise 5 days a week.
  • bitxbit
    bitxbit Posts: 1,465 Member
    I haven't got my schedule all lined out yet, but it will include the elliptical, dumbbell work and walking, for now. With my back and knee issues, I need to go slowly, no matter what I choose to do. Just do something everyday, that's my goal:smile: