Favorite Exercises?

Hi everyone,

What do you do for exercise?

I run, walk, swim, and do Zumba (on my Wii). In the summer I bike too. Hopefully I will get in shape by the end of summer!



  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    Since the weather isn't too cooperative in MN, I've been riding my stationary bike all winter. I recently added hand weights, an exercise ball and body weight exercises like squats, planks, sit ups etc.

    Once the weather gets nice, I plan to ride my bike and take walks. I love to garden, so a lot of my time is spent tending flower beds and eatables (tomatoes, peppers, apples etc). I love to swim and snorkel, although I don't get much opportunity to do so.

    I've been reading about working with a kettlebell. It's supposed to give you a full body workout in under 15 min. Quick is good in my book! :smile:
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    I ride my stationary bike just about every day. At least 3 days a week I try to add something else - walking, swimming, aquatic aerobics, Leslie Sansone DVD. Three days a week I also do a weight routine with stretchy band and dumbbells. For March I did a plank challenge, and April is going to be a push up challenge and maybe a squat challenge too.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Resistance training and walking. I have a doorway pull up bar, a few dumbbells and a suspension trainer. It's enough to provide a decent workout 3 days a week, I walk on the rest days.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    So far my only real exercise is water aerobics 3x a week. The class is targeted towards strengthening the back so it is not as cardio efficient as some, but I have back, hip, and knee issues due to an injury so this is perfect! We do 5 minutes warm-up, 30 minutes cardio, 10 minutes strength, and 10 minutes stretching and cooling down . . . all in the warm pool. I have been trying to walk more, like parking further from the store, but am limited in that.
  • Alsvic
    Alsvic Posts: 93 Member
    I also have a stationary bike. About three weeks ago I started using dumbbells while riding This helps me get my heart rate up on my monitor. This allows me to put a 1/2 hour on my bike at 80% of my target heart rate. I do this twice a day in the morning and evening. Since I have been using the dumbbells I lost 1 pound in three weeks but I have had to poke two new holes in my belt to keep my pants up.

    It does kind of suck though to work this hard and not have the pounds be dropping off.

    Although my BG readings have gone down about 25%, and I guess that's what's important.
  • cathylopez1975
    cathylopez1975 Posts: 191 Member
    I walk - at least when it's not too cold. My grandson (2 yrs old) stays with my husband while his mom works, and when I get home from school he wants to go walking. He's a great motivator. When I can walk alone, I'm working on a modified 'couch to 5K' program to learn to run. Never thought I could, but with 89 lbs down I'm really enjoying myself.
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Great topic Kerri!

    As part of my weekly schedule, I find fitting in an hour of cardio and strength training 2-3 times a week-at my local YMCA-to be very beneficial in reducing my insulin resistance, along with the added benefits of a recharge towards my emotional health too.
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'm insane.

    Typically I workout 5-6 days a week.

    3 of those days include heavy lifting - mostly compound lifts (Squats, Deadlifts, overhead-press, bench press, bent-over row) with some other exercises mixed in: Lat pull-downs, tricep exercises, standing barbell curl normally...

    All lifting days also include a cardio warmup (5 minutes) and most include some cardio after.

    2-3 days are strictly cardio (60-90 minutes is the norm). Usually a combination of moderate steady-state cardio and either HIIT or what I call "Increasing Intensity" interval training. I use combination of bikes, treadmills and ellipticals on various days. When I do interval training I always push to about 95% of my true (not predicted) maximum heart rate. (My actual maximum is MUCH higher than 'predicted MHR' formulas would suggest.)

    My FAVORITE exercise of all for diabetics, however, is the HIIT (high-intensity interval training). Not only did my glycemic control improve dramatically when I started, but it did wonders for helping me build muscle.
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    I love the idea of using hand weights while riding the stationary bike! Course, I won't be able to post here while I'm pedaling like I'm doing at the moment. LOL

    I am having hand surgery at the end of the month though and won't be able to do much one- handed for a a couple of weeks. And of course, it has to be my dominate hand so even eating will be a chore.
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    I love the idea of using hand weights while riding the stationary bike! Course, I won't be able to post here while I'm pedaling like I'm doing at the moment. LOL

    I am having hand surgery at the end of the month though and won't be able to do much one- handed for a a couple of weeks. And of course, it has to be my dominate hand so even eating will be a chore.

    Hey Sharon, I'm curious-if not to much of a personal question, what type hand surgery have you scheduled as I have a condition of Dupuytrens within my left hand and have scheduled a visit this week with a hand surgery specialist for consultation and treatment.
  • 123_lac
    123_lac Posts: 66 Member
    I do an hour of Tae Bo five days a week.