Data Form and You

mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
Hi Folks,

Sorry for the confusion on the sign-up procedure. If you have joined the group but not yet entered data on the form at the address listed on the Group homepage then please do so. Shmu has changed the process, it was automatic initially, he has gone to manual to protect email addresses. You know how security puts a damper on things. But, fear not, Shmu has all the data from the form you filled out and will get the spreadsheet up to date this weekend. Currently we have 68 folks that have joined the group, about 17 on the spreadsheet so he will have something to do on Saturday night instead of just arranging his sock drawer.

Now, let me say something to encourage you. This is a 13-week challenge. Not too long, not too short is my hope. You can set a significant goal to lose weight or to maintain and enter bikini season in a better state of readiness. In our current challenge just wrapping up (April Fool Challenge) we had several folks exceed their goal significantly (like Shmu), other fell short (like me). If you set an aggressive goal (stretch goal) you may not look as good on the spreadsheet but your progress will look good in the mirror. I recommend a sane goal and patience. The past two challenges I've been in have had 75% attrition. The one's that stick with it win. This is an endurance challenge, not a sprint.

Lastly, I must vent. If you are going to be in MFP you must learn to spell the word lose. You lose weight, you do not loose weight. Loose is what my idiot German Shepherd is when she gets off her leash. Am I clear on this? "Loosers" will be publicly shamed in this challenge group. Thank you, I feel better now.



  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    Ok, the Shmu is catching up with the spreadsheet and now I must remind some folks about how the challenge works. When you set a goal it is for just this challenge, not your ultimate loss goal. If you are trying to lose 80 pounds you won't get there during this challenge without losing too fast to be healthy. 13 weeks time 2lbs/week is 26 pounds. Unless you are significantly overweight, a loss rate over three is rare I think. Before we get started, review your goal and revise to bring it back to a realistic level. Shmu will make any edits, just shoot him a message.

    In order to stay motivated set your own interim mini-goals ("inchstones") that give you some victories along the way. My next one is breaking the 190 barrier and getting into the 180's for the first time since college. I'm a couple pounds away!!

    What's your next "No Small Victory" (NSV)?
  • StreetBystander
    StreetBystander Posts: 39 Member
    My first mini-goal is to reach the 220's. I have been doing a little dance between 230 and 240 since January. Even simply seeing 229.8 on my scale would be extremely heartening.
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member

    Lastly, I must vent. If you are going to be in MFP you must learn to spell the word lose. You lose weight, you do not loose weight. Loose is what my idiot German Shepherd is when she gets off her leash. Am I clear on this? "Loosers" will be publicly shamed in this challenge group. Thank you, I feel better now.

    Hear, hear! :drinker: :drinker:

    I did put my UGW on the spreadsheet, but I am within 20 pounds. However, I know that realistically it will be difficult to achieve the last 20 pounds very quickly as MFP keeps decreasing my calories to keep the same level of deficit. Realistically I am not going to do well eating 1200 a day, so I have to take the slow and stead approach. 13-15 pounds is likely more realistic, but I may as well shoot for the whole enchilada.
  • Kathrynrbg
    Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
    Hi Folks,

    Sorry for the confusion on the sign-up procedure. If you have joined the group but not yet entered data on the form at the address listed on the Group homepage then please do so. Shmu has changed the process, it was automatic initially, he has gone to manual to protect email addresses. You know how security puts a damper on things. But, fear not, Shmu has all the data from the form you filled out and will get the spreadsheet up to date this weekend. Currently we have 68 folks that have joined the group, about 17 on the spreadsheet so he will have something to do on Saturday night instead of just arranging his sock drawer.

    Now, let me say something to encourage you. This is a 13-week challenge. Not too long, not too short is my hope. You can set a significant goal to lose weight or to maintain and enter bikini season in a better state of readiness. In our current challenge just wrapping up (April Fool Challenge) we had several folks exceed their goal significantly (like Shmu), other fell short (like me). If you set an aggressive goal (stretch goal) you may not look as good on the spreadsheet but your progress will look good in the mirror. I recommend a sane goal and patience. The past two challenges I've been in have had 75% attrition. The one's that stick with it win. This is an endurance challenge, not a sprint.

    Lastly, I must vent. If you are going to be in MFP you must learn to spell the word lose. You lose weight, you do not loose weight. Loose is what my idiot German Shepherd is when she gets off her leash. Am I clear on this? "Loosers" will be publicly shamed in this challenge group. Thank you, I feel better now.


    I gave my ultimate goal weight of 110 lbs instead of 115.7 so i guess i messed up, what is Shmu´s email?
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    Keep those entries coming. All forms were entered.
  • btwinkles
    btwinkles Posts: 54 Member

    Lastly, I must vent. If you are going to be in MFP you must learn to spell the word lose. You lose weight, you do not loose weight. Loose is what my idiot German Shepherd is when she gets off her leash. Am I clear on this? "Loosers" will be publicly shamed in this challenge group. Thank you, I feel better now.

    That irks me to no end.... I feel better now too since it feels like you vented for all of us that cringe every single time I see this word. ugggghhh
  • cathy0536
    cathy0536 Posts: 137 Member
    This post definitely speaks to me as had been thinking about mini-goals when thinking what my overall goal was for this challenge. Have decided on

    150 - Back to green BMI - loose 2.4lbs
    147 - Lowest weight - loose 5.4lbs
    145 - Just because I like the numbers ending in 5 and 0 - loose 7.4lbs
    142 - Will have lost 50lbs in total - loose 10.4lbs

    and given that this is the independance day challenge and I am a UK girl, to wind up Mule whenever possible! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    And yes I do know the difference between lose/loose really :happy:
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    This post definitely speaks to me as had been thinking about mini-goals when thinking what my overall goal was for this challenge. Have decided on

    150 - Back to green BMI - loose 2.4lbs
    147 - Lowest weight - loose 5.4lbs
    145 - Just because I like the numbers ending in 5 and 0 - loose 7.4lbs
    142 - Will have lost 50lbs in total - loose 10.4lbs

    and given that this is the independance day challenge and I am a UK girl, to wind up Mule whenever possible! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    And yes I do know the difference between lose/loose really :happy:

    Very funny. The Redcoats are coming, don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes.