April 2014 Walk Challenge



  • christchick7
    christchick7 Posts: 533 Member
    Goal: 60-65 miles

    4/19/2014: 45 min Zumba Gold toning in wheelchair(3 miles); 15 min Mindfulness Chair Yoga

    Today: LS 4 Fast Miles. 3 pound weights 15 min

    Total: 71 miles
  • kerrycork
    kerrycork Posts: 4 Member
    April goal - 70 miles

    Total miles to date - 20 miles
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    5.82 miles walked yesterday

    97.14 miles walked to date

    Less than 3 miles to go this month now.
  • Reddirtblacktopqueen
    Reddirtblacktopqueen Posts: 79 Member
    4/17 5.07 miles
    4/18 1.17 mile
    4/19 4.89 miles
    4/20 3.57 miles

    67.70 miles so far! Woot woot!!
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    Previous total 42 miles

    April 15th - 6 miles
    April 16th - 4 miles
    April 17th - 2 miles
    April 18th - 2 miles
    April 19th - 0 miles
    April 29th - 0 miles
    April 21st - 7 miles

    Total April 15th - 21st - 21 miles

    Total 63 miles.

    22 miles to go!!!!
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    3 miles Leslie 5 miles around the lake 8 today so far.

    65.5 to date

    goal 30-45
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    3.98 miles walked today

    101.12 miles walked to date

    100 miles target. So, target met. Woo hoo!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Goal for April: 165 miles
    To date: 66 miles
    Left: 99 miles

    This month I'm doing a combo of these throughout the month:
    Leslie Sansone 5 Mile Fat Burner Walk
    Leslie Sansone 3 Mile Radio Remixes Walk to the Hits
    A mile walk to the library (1/2 mile each way)
    1-3 miles on the Treadmill at Gym
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Morning: Women's Walk (2 miles)
    Afternoon: 3 mile outdoor walk

    Total Miles: 87.75
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member

    3 miles: 3 Mega Miles (& body weight strength exercises)

    0 miles: walking outdoors

    Goal for March: ? miles, An increased emphasis on strength will change my usual mileage.

    So far: 29 Leslie/ or other walking DVD miles

    So far: 0 outdoor miles

    Last week I worked several days in the yard/garden/house instead of walking, and had several days off for Easter and with family.

  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    I will be on for a May challenge. The rest of April will just working on walking 4 or more days a week with her and not be hard on ourselves about miles. We had been walking a big loop and stopping at the swings for her. It ranges from 1 mile to 1 1/2 miles when I map it online. ;)

    ShrinkinMel, Welcome to Walk At Home group. Any way that you get your walk in is awesome. Never discount your beginning efforts, because every step or mile is that much closer to health and fitness! What a good example you are for your daughter.

    Feel free to log in any of your walks during April. with or without a goal, it will get you in the habit of posting and walking :smile: .

  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I did Punch Up Your Walk this morning with 5 lbs weighs for most of the walk. No evening walk tonight (hockey playoffs!) :)

    Total Miles: 91.75
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    3.01 miles walked today

    104.13 miles walked to date
  • Reddirtblacktopqueen
    Reddirtblacktopqueen Posts: 79 Member
    4/21 5.17 miles

    72.87 miles this month so far.

    Happy walking everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member

    2 miles: Walk, Sculpt and Tone with Debbie Rocker. (plus additional body weight strength and stretch exercises)

    0 miles: walking outdoors

    Goal for March: ? miles, An increased emphasis on strength will change my usual mileage.

    So far: 31 Leslie/ or other walking DVD miles

    So far: 0 outdoor miles
  • christchick7
    christchick7 Posts: 533 Member
    Goal: 60-65 miles

    Today: 3 miles Radio Remixes

    Total: 74 miles
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    3 miles with Leslie, 5 miles around the lake.

    73.5 to date

    30-45 goal
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    3 miles with Leslie.

    76.5 to date

    goal 30-45
  • Reddirtblacktopqueen
    Reddirtblacktopqueen Posts: 79 Member
    4/22 3.64 miles

    76.51 miles total so far.

    Happy walking folks! :happy:
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    3 more miles with Leslie today cause its raining outside.

    79.5 to date/

    30-45 was my goal.maybe I can double it!