
airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
Anyone running today?

I'll start :flowerforyou: Went to park again, did same walking as I did yesterday and then the run from "bathroom" incline to the end of the trail & back to the "bathroom" incline. No clue how far it is, cannot decipher the map on Runkeeper. Today was a HOT one here, over 80 and sun was out big time....I did not bring enough water on the trip. Took my Polar 24 oz insulated bottle (I freeze about 4 or so oz and add cold) with me and in insulated bag in car I had 16.9 oz bottle of water and a can of diet shasta. Finished it all and then a 20 oz bottle of diet pepsi when I hit the 99c Store on the way home.

Hope everyone had a great Saturday, regardless of if you ran :drinker:


  • mel521
    mel521 Posts: 74 Member
    Great going, Airangel! That is hot! It was in the 60s here, but rainy most of the day. I couldn't imagine 80 after the weather we've had in NC these past few months. I won't run again until Monday. Hope you have a great Sunday!
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Mel, yes it is hot but just the tip of the sun-berg, lol, as most of the time I'll be out in 100 or near that weather, just ghastly.
    This is why I wanted to start & complete the c25k app...only days I can go out early (off days) is Fri/Sat after that its going right after work (1:15) and its pretty warm then, only to get worse closer to 4-5 pm.

    I really need to figure out how long those "runs" I've done are...am sure a lot less than I imagine they are, just like you think you are running forever and in reality its only been a few short minutes, lol

    Tomorrow is back to work :grumble: for me.
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    I'm supposed to be running today, but I've noticed my shins were quite sore and swollen after yesterday's power walk with the dog. Grrrrr. I really don't want injuries to derail me when the end is in sight.

    I think I will spend some time icing my shins, and maybe get a gym workout in, with some cardio on the bike.

    Let's go team. I don't want to let us down.
  • maree142
    maree142 Posts: 82 Member
    Hey all, sorry to post so late!
    Week 8, day 1 on my app is 28 minutes!! and I did it!!! I was on the tread and at times I had to hold onto the bar, but I just did not want to stop.

    Felt so hard -- I let my mind play all sorts of tricks on me from the moment that I start. That is that the whole 28 minutes I am clock watching, and counting and and and..... I have to work out a better way if it is going to be anything about the journey and not just the destiny . But that is a long term problem, that I can work on.

    So, on my app day 2 run is 30 minutes. I will see how I go and whether I do that Tuesday night or repeat day one. But I did it!!
    Keep it up, runners! Good luck with your injury Deb, and Mel and Airangel I think you're marvellous braving the varied weather....
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    Wow, Maree. Twenty-eight minutes! That is great. You should be proud.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Great going Maree...especially doing week 8 on the treadmill. I hate mine...actually had not done any C25K on my treadmill, its all been outside and I did it every other day (had to get it completed before we got the 90/100 degree weather here). Do you have tunes going or an audiobook or tv to keep your mind off looking at the clock on the treadmill?

    I have not done the last "practice" 5K that is on my app (Zen Labs C25K Free) ...today was breezy outside and I had done some "mini" running the last two days ....and of course I have NO plans to actually do a real 5K. Did the program as a challenge to myself, but am planning to keep up with the running so I don't lose what I've accomplished.

    Debin- Take your time and get yourself healthy, you don't need to aggravate your shins and cause further injury. There is no time frame (unless you have a race right after week 8 day 3, lol).
  • mel521
    mel521 Posts: 74 Member
    Instead of a new thread this morning, I'll just post here since we have a nice conversation going. :)

    Deb, get your rest and hope you're feeling good to go soon! Great job, Maree! Airangel, our hot days are coming, but we have humidity also, and that is no fun at all. I think it's great that you did the program to challenge yourself, but I had to give myself a goal or I would have quit. I have 3.5 weeks til my 5k.

    So this morning I did week 7 day 1. It was 25 minutes, but I went a little over so that I could run 2 miles. I think that's the first time I've ever ran 2 miles in my life! At 35 minutes I had 2.59 miles. I did increase my speed by .2 today. I'll probably do the same speed Wednesday and try to increase a little on Friday.

    Thanks for all the support and encouragement! I couldn't do this without you all!!!!
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Hey Everyone :flowerforyou:

    We don't technically have humidity, or I rarely notice it, being from back East what we have here to me is NOT humidity, lol. The heat though, that is just horrid, too much too soon for too long.

    Great run Mel..I have NO clue how far I've ran, both doing the C25K program or the little jaunts I've been doing on my regular park walks. I use RunKeeper to track but I start out walking for about 20 or so minutes till I reach the porta potties, lol. Then I run down the incline to the end of the path and turn around and run back ....I'd love to figure it out but am afraid after all my huffing & puffing it will turn out to be a mere fraction of the distance I 'think' it is. When doing the app I ran the time but not the distance ..heck I was happy I ran for a half hour w/o stopping, lol

    Today did the same as I've been doing, ran from the bathroom area to the end of the trail & back....burned more calories, worked up a serious sweat and felt dang proud I could do it, lol

    Hoping everyone else had a great run today.

    Deb...how are your shins? Take it easy till you're 100%.

    Maree....Good luck tomorrow.

    Kim....you run today???

    :drinker: Go Team Go :bigsmile:
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    Whew! I'm glad I've found you all here. I had a minor panic when I saw no new post for the past few days.

    Good news: I had some dry-needling for my shins, some massage and ice, and they felt as good as new for today's 20 minute nonstop run. Well, it would have been 20 minutes nonstop, but the dog decided to take a crap at 18 minutes in. Grrr, so I tacked on an extra minute or two.

    Onwards, team!!!!
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    LOL @ your dog Deb...at least he/she gave you 20 minutes of running first.

    Was windy today and I had decided it was NOT a park day...got all geared up to seriously sweat on the treadmill (no clue why I'm drenched running inside vs out)...then the doggie door flap installer called could she come NOW....so after she left back into running gear and I got the last RUN in (app showed Week 9 Day 1 I think).

    WOW running the tread was so much EASIER than outdoors. I was drenched but not gasping. Again doubt did the 5K mile wise but the app gave me a total of 40 min to warm up/run/cool down. First time I did the app on the treadmill. Incline set at 1, speed to walk 3, speed to run was 4 then at the half way mark I moved it to 4.5, then after run was done, walked 20 minutes. Am still short of my 10K Fitbit steps, so will have to jog around the house before hitting the sheets. LOL

    Hope everyone else who ran, had a good one.

    Yoo Hoo Kim....you out there??
  • mel521
    mel521 Posts: 74 Member
    Deb, that is too funny about your dog! Good for you for keeping on afterwards though!

    Airangel, good going getting your run in despite all the obstacles! That's pretty good on a treadmill. I've been doing 3.5/4.5mph, but bumped up to 3.7/4.7 this week. I tried to do 4/5, but that just wasn't happening. Congratulations on finishing the app!!!

    I did week 7 day 2 this morning. Ran 2 miles. After the run, my shin started hurting while I was walking so I only made it 2 or 3 minutes post run instead of 5.

    Have a great day!
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    @Mel...great on 2 miles, bummer on the shins....

    Today again windy out and chilly...as much as I could not wait for the cooler weather, after walking in high 90s/100s since the summer, I truly am not motivated when its nippy out ..LOL

    So today I got on my new spandex shorts (omg don't get me started on these things, lol) and set the timer on the dreadmill (lol) for an hour (apparently it won't go higher than 60 minutes, hmmm) and got the app up again, hit RUN and repeated yesterday. No clue how fast/far I actually do go in the alloted 40 minutes (5 min warm up/cool down) but did 20 min on its speed 4 and then after the you are halfway there voice, rest of the time on 4.5, incline of 1. Sweating like crazy but NOT winded. Finished up the last 20 minutes walking (incline 1.5/speed 3.5). Total miles per the dreadmill was 3.83 miles (who really knows).

    It IS a LOT easier running inside than outside but NOT as fun (also I would NEVER run in those spandex jobbies, lol)

    Anyone else out there running?
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    I've decided to wait 2 days between each run if I can, just to keep injuries at bay. So tomorrow is running day.

    My face sweats so much that my eyes sting, so I now tie a washcloth around my wrist. My kids would fall about laughing if I wore a headband like Olivia Newton-John, and a picture would end up on Facebook for sure. Big joke!

    My first scheduled 5 k is actually April 11, with two of my kids, and I'm tipping I'll be ready.

    Let's keep it up, team!
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    @Deb..WOW April 11th?? Geez....cutting things close no? LOL. I hear ya on the sweating...finding that here when on the treadmill vs outside, but do sweat outside as well. I use a bandana around my neck (does nothing for sweat dripping in eyes I know). You do know they sell those sweat bands for your wrist which you could get a pair and use to mop the brow as it drops.

    I did get a moisture wicking reversible Bondi Band sweatband but I look major dorky with it around my head. I just found some nice curved brimmed baseball caps and that might help the sweatband issue.

    For sure take your time between running, especially if the real deal is coming up shortly.

    @Kim...yoo hoo, where are you????

    Anyone else run today?

    I did the 'dreadmill' again today. Actually was looking forward to it vs going to the park. Got to try on a new pair of microscopic (lol) spandex shorts I snagged off eBay. Did the c25k "RUN" again today (30 min run, 5 min warm up/cool down) then walked for the rest of the hour I set the timer for. Tomorrow is the park with co worker @7a.m but she isn't up to running the mile (found out it is a mile that I had been running those past few days) so we'll probably do some interval run/walks.

    Have a great one everyone:flowerforyou:
  • FocusKimFocus
    FocusKimFocus Posts: 124 Member
    I'm back! Yay! Thanks for hounding me AirAngel! I needed it.
    I forgot to post here that I was taking Spring Break/my birthday week off. And then, it turned into more than a week :grumble:

    But, the good news is that I jogged 25 minutes today (in a snow storm) and felt great! During my "off" week I did do a good bit of skiing and hiking - hiked to over 13,000' feet mountain summit with my son and skied down. Yay! On the other hand, I seriously fell off the 'healthy eating' wagon. Uggh - all that skiing and Bday - junk food excuses. And then I had a few days of intending to get back on the wagon, only to decide that those cookies, cake, ice cream were still fair game. I really need to learn the lesson that taking a break from logging food is A DISASTER for me! It just makes life soo much harder to pull myself back together afterwards.

    I plan to continue with my couch-to-10k app. I'm on week 7 of 14 now. I will keep checking in with you all. Kim
  • FocusKimFocus
    FocusKimFocus Posts: 124 Member
    And just finished catching up with y'all -
    Deb - Good luck on April 11th! I bet you'll be ready. Its usually easier when you're running in an event.
    AirAngel - I absolutely REQUIRE a big fan in front of me when I run on the treadmill. TV helps a lot too.
    Mel - sounds like we're around the same point. I have taken 2 days off a few times to help ward off injury.

    My big goal is to be able complete a 1-hour run by June 1st and NOT get hurt on the way.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Happy Friday Fellow Runner Wanna Bees :flowerforyou:

    I sub to this freebie email thingamabobbie :bigsmile: and good info in it....can spend hours on the website reading it all if you don't want to sub to it, think I get daily emails.


    Getting ready to meet co worker in park for walk/run whatever it will be.

    Kim-WELCOME Back & Happy Belated Birthday. I need to set up more fans but then just blows dust & dog fur into the treadmill, lol

    Deb...Mel..Maree...Kim: Have a great Friday & good luck to anyone running today.
  • mel521
    mel521 Posts: 74 Member
    Glad you're back, Kim! Happy belated birthday!

    Deb, you've got ONE week til your run! I wish you the best!

    Airangel, thanks for the link. I'll be sure to check it out!

    I finished week 7 today! Woohoo! Next week jumps up to 28 minutes and the last week will be 30 minutes. Then I'll be running my first 5k on the 26th. My goal is to be able to go the entire length without walking. I don't care how slow I go, I just don't want to walk!

    Have a great Friday! Hope you all have an enjoyable weekend. I'm going on a date with my husband tonight and then we kick off Tball season with our 4 yr old in the morning! And I'm going to buy another fan to blow on me while I run because its starting to heat up in NC and I refuse to turn on the AC...yet.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    @Mel...congrats for getting thru week 7. Week 8 was not fun (heck, week 7 was not fun, things from week 5 up weren't fun, lol)

    I got a small fan to sit on the end table by the treadmill, have ceiling fan going, and the small console fan in the treadmill...front and slider door open and its STILL hot (especially when exerting oneself)

    Went to park today...nice & cool out (am so used to going after work). Friend & I ran intervals (2 min run/3 min walk) for 10 reps. It was a breeze for me after running the mile in the park and doing a straight 30 minutes on the treadmill of late...she, otoh, kept looking at her watch waiting for it to beep telling us it was time to walk, lol. It was my NSV of the day ...to run with another person while having a conversation and to not want to stop after the timer went off (of course it was ONLY 2 minutes).

    Not sure what I'll do tomorrow at the park (will be solo and probably later in the day).

    I give you guys CREDIT for signing up for a real run this soon after doing C25K. I told co worker today during walk that my goal will be to one day run the entire distance of our walk...she just shook her head, lol. One day....
  • FocusKimFocus
    FocusKimFocus Posts: 124 Member
    I ran 25 min again today - exceeded the Week 7, Day 2 run on my app because I really felt good. But, I started to get a foot/leg cramp/twinge towards the end. Reminder to me to take the increase in running time gradually.

    I also just started to think about entering a race - will have to look for one. I did 3 different trail races last summer/fall, but walked most of the distances. The first race last year was a 5k "mud race" with my 10yr old. He stayed with me for the first little while before leaving me way behind. Back then I don't think I ever ran more than a couple minutes at a time. At the end of that race he complained that 5k was too short and that we should have opted for the 10k version (which went straight up a ski hill!).

    Airangel - that's a great NSV. I've occasionally had friends "invite" me to run with them, but I've never had the confidence for it. That is changing! Anyone who's been in this group is invited to come visit and jog with me up here at 9,000+ feet, where we pretty much never have to deal with being hot!