Butterfly - Like it or Hate It?



  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    sanderdejonge, that's another great drill - thanks!!!!!!
  • ImaWaterBender
    ImaWaterBender Posts: 516 Member
    I am up to three laps of butterfly now. I had been doing just one length at a time and was concerned that I would not have the wind to make it back to the starting point when doing laps. But it has turned out great.

    I had to stop with the butterfly when I got ill with diverticulitis and even after healing, every time that I did it, I would have recurrent pain inside that felt like fishhooks in my lower left quadrant of the abdomen. I am not having any pain now.

    I never thought that it would take six months to heal up from a digestive abscess. I am just glad to be able to do even three laps per swim.
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    Since butterfly requires you to really use your core muscles, it was probably putting a big time strain on the areas that still needed to heal. It's a great sign of how well you have healed to be able to do that much fly & be pain free, congratulations on a strong recovery from a difficult illness!!!!!
  • ImaWaterBender
    ImaWaterBender Posts: 516 Member
    I am thinking that was the problem. Everything is related and it is all centered in the core.