week 7 weigh in

Wk 1 weight 250lbs
Wk 2 weight 248 bs (-2lbs)
Wk 3 weight 244lbs (-4lbs)
Wk 4 weight 244lbs (stayed the same)
Wk 5 weight 242lbs (-2lbs)
Wk 6 weight 240lbs (-2lbs)
Wk 7 weight 238lbs (-2lbs)

Total so far 12lbs, target is 14lbs

Not done measurements this week as not exercised


  • AllisonAugustyn
    AllisonAugustyn Posts: 17 Member
    Hey, thanks for the add and the reminder, discobarbie! I actually went and weighed myself at 157 lbs on Monday but forgot to post. I think it was water and salt weight (I hope). Back to my healthy eating this week. Also just moved into a new office, so apologies that I haven't checked in.

    I'm currently on the Abscal Way (TQI Diet) which is not a diet, but actually a method of eating to cure inflammation and reduce the symptoms of food allergy and intolerance. I discovered about a year ago that I have intolerance to dairy and eggs, and since I've (mostly) stopped eating them, I lost 10 lbs much more easily than in the past, and my health is greatly improved.

    The other side is that I've started noticing things that are wrong with my body that I've always taken for granted. Just as I used to assume that I would go out to eat dinner and just get sick sometimes ("food is too rich"), I have started noticing joint inflammation and puffiness around my midsection. I've always had it, but thought it was just part of my body.

    I've just on Monday eliminated all alcohol, sugar and gluten from my diet as well. Yikes! So now all I eat is plants and lean protein and quinoa/non-wheat grains. I'm doing this for five weeks to help reduce inflammation. I'm going to test if I have a reaction to gluten and make decisions from there.

    I haven't been exercising since last week due to the move and weekend commitments. I hope to incorporate my heavy cycling starting this weekend and see how I do with my weights and cardio on this "diet."

    So I'm still worked on getting "ripped," but it might have more to do with fixing my insides. :)
  • AllisonAugustyn
    AllisonAugustyn Posts: 17 Member
    Also, discobarbie1971, HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on your great work! You are making such progress!!!!
  • discobarbie1971
    discobarbie1971 Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks for the congratulations and great work for you too, identifying a food trigger requires patience and commitment, sounds like you are unravelling a mystery. I notice if I skip bread my belly isn't as rounded perhaps I need to stick with that and see what happens?

    It would be good to keep this going as I find having it in my diary helps me focus my effort, especially as it is on a Monday it helps me control my cravings at the weekend. Even if I just get to the end of the 10 weeks I'll be happy

    Put a new pair of trousers on today that fit me, other work trousers are so saggy around the bottom and tummy, I looked a mess and people have started to comment.

    Just set myself another goal as going on a girlie city break end of May (Salzburg in Austria) and i'd like to lose another 10lbs before I go so I can invest in some new jeans and tops......in the mean time I need to put another hole in my belt to stop them from falling down :)