
I guess this question applies to all the exercises. Do you try to do the same number as the girls on the DVD or same time? I can't keep pace with them (I'm in crap shape), especially on push-ups. Today, I counted the number they did, paused the DVD and did the same number at my own pace. I can't do this for all the exercises (a 20 min workout will turn into 40). Does anyone else count the reps?


  • agent85
    agent85 Posts: 23 Member
    start on your knees and go as slow as you need to to maintain proper form. form is the most important thing. when i started level 1 my arms shook doing them on my knees. i think i could do about 4. lol. now i can do the regular ones with no problem. im on level 3 tho and ive been using some of her other dvds as well. its hard at first but it does get easier if you stick with it.
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    start on your knees and go as slow as you need to to maintain proper form. form is the most important thing. when i started level 1 my arms shook doing them on my knees. i think i could do about 4. lol. now i can do the regular ones with no problem. im on level 3 tho and ive been using some of her other dvds as well. its hard at first but it does get easier if you stick with it.

    I agree! The push ups and keeping up with the pace is tough, hang in there it does get easier
  • muroo
    muroo Posts: 68
    Probably more important to keep up with the video than keep up with the reps, just to keep her 3-2-1 formula going. It should get easier. :)
  • samfrancisco88
    samfrancisco88 Posts: 8 Member
    You could try elevated push ups too like off the counter or a coffee table so you build up your ability to do them from your toes.