March 30 DS Challenge Wrap up

ecu_jules Posts: 35 Member
Some may have finished up yesterday and some today, but I wanted give a shout out to all that joined us part time or full time this month!

My scale is broken (probably a good thing) so I don't have scale results. But I have some pics I am going to create a progression with to see if there is a difference. I certainly feel much more fit than a month ago! I will post those soon. If you have results to share, please do so. If not, thanks for helping motivate me:-)


  • dani_ban
    dani_ban Posts: 243 Member
    Sorry to be MIA.....sick kids and training at work. I haven't had time to log into a computer. It sucks I can't access this group from my phone.

    Thank you for sticking around.

    Hopefully we are all still on the weight loss band wagon. I kind of fell off, but I'm trying to get back on.
  • cortycrazy
    cortycrazy Posts: 61 Member
    Just keep pushing :) tonight was awful motivating mysf to go to
    The gym... But I'm here sweating to death on the elliptical!! You can do it :)