Yellow Team!

Hey Team Yellow!!! I am super excited about this challenge and hope you all are as well. This is my first challenge and first time being a leader so I am stoked! A little bit about me. My name is Niki. I am 26 years old. I currently weigh 225 pounds. I have been overweight pretty much my whole life. After going through a pretty severe breakup this past August, I decided to change my life and start living for me. I have lost 50 pounds since August through the help of MFP. I am really looking forward to this challenge and helping me to meet my goals and help all of you reach your goals as well! Use this topic to chit-chat with one another and motivate each other! Look forwarding to meeting all of you!



  • amymctgr
    amymctgr Posts: 39 Member
    I'm Amy. I'm 31 and live in a small town in southern Maryland. I have two beautiful girls, one 2 1/2 and one 7 months. I also work full time. I had been doing shift work for 9 years (police dispatcher), and finally transferred to a Monday-Friday normal position right around the time I had my youngest. It's so much easier to lose weight when you're on a normal schedule:) I also love to crochet, and have a tiny side business on Etsy selling crochet children and baby hats. I am a Turbofire addict, and I'm going to start incorporating more strength training next week. I'm constantly either at work or taking care of the girls, so the hardest part for me is finding some "me" time.

    Congrats, Niki, on losing 50 lbs! That's awesome! Any tips?
  • skill133
    skill133 Posts: 161
    My name is Dave, I live in Michigan and have a boy in 9th grade and girl in 6th grade. I have been married for 16 years and we also have a 4 year old female boxer. I'm looking to lose 50 pounds total to reach ultimate goal...12 week goal will be around 30 pounds. I am a sports enthuisiast. These days I pretty much just golf and bowl and play softball. I enjoy watching football, baseball and hockey. I've been up and down plenty of times in the last 10 years with my weight. Need to get back down and learn to maintain it once I get down there.

    Good luck to all!
  • CountryCutie87
    CountryCutie87 Posts: 16 Member
    For me, losing the first 50 was actually extremely easy. I was severely overweight, weighing in at 275 pounds and was eating at least two fast food meals every day, sometimes three times a day. I would always upsize to large order every opportunity I got. I didn't eat any vegetables hardly and ate everything fried. Once I cut out the fast food and fried food, started eating everything grilled or baked, and started eating vegetables instead of french fries, the weight came off for me pretty easily. I also walked at least 3 miles every day.
  • cbeanies
    cbeanies Posts: 91
    Hi Amy, I am 37 years old and mom to three young boys. I work full time and about ten months ago quit a job with a long commute. It has made getting the time in to exercise so much easier. Actually, it's improved my quality of life in lots of ways! I've been doing c25k and just started bridge to 10k and am very excited about it.

    I was in the last two challenges and I love how they kept me on track. For this one I want to concentrate on adding more exercise and getting my eating right. Mainly getting in the fruits and veggies.
  • nikkix3iscute
    nikkix3iscute Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Nicolette and I am 23 years old. i started my journey last year and fell off the horse so to speak. I'm hoping this with help motivate me to continue to lose weight and get healthy! I'm looking forward to the challenge.
  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    Hello Yellow Team! My name is Kim and I started this journey at 306 and today weighed 196.6!!!! I have logged on MFP for over 300 days now and it makes all the difference for me. My goal is to weigh 150 on my 50th birthday in October. So although I have come far, I still have far to go. Food is not an issue for me anymore, I have that fully under control. Consistent exercise is my struggle these days, but with the new month of April and warmer weather out there, I have a renewed commitment to make this a great exercise month.
    I like in Oklahoma and have 2 kids in college and work a desk job and am caring for a father in advance stages of Alzheimer's. Please everyone stick with this challenge and logging your food and exercise as it truly can work to making a healthy lifestyle change for you. Good luck all!
  • anro86
    anro86 Posts: 790 Member
    Hi team! First off I loved reading through everyone’s intros, nice to meet you all! My name is Ashley and I am 28 years old. I have an awesome 7 year old daughter who I love to pieces and two great step-daughters. I have been married for 10 years. I work a desk job full time, I work part time for my husband’s business, I help out with my daughter’s brownie troop, and volunteer with English classes at my church. Life keeps me pretty busy! Growing up I was very slender and although I gained about 40 lbs. with my pregnancy I lost the majority of that weight fairly quickly and without much effort. Then in 2012 I started taking antidepressants and I went from 133 lbs. to 161 lbs. over the course of a couple of years. I no longer have to take medication (yay!) and I have been on MFP since July (my log in streak is 205 days) and I am down over 30 lbs. My weight is hovering around 129-130 lately. For this challenge I would like to get down to 119. I want to work on eating less processed foods, not excluding them, but not eating ONLY them, as I usually do. And exercising more. Currently I do pretty well with staying within my calories and I jog 2 miles 4 times a week. I would like to add an evening weight training workout as well. Good luck to all!
  • skill133
    skill133 Posts: 161
    Let's go Yellow team....DAY 1!!!! Get off to a good start and have a good weekend. Weekends usually are my downfall, but knowing this challenge is starting today should help me stay more on track....that's the idea atleast in my head!!
  • mira2602
    mira2602 Posts: 78 Member
    Hello Yellow team,

    my name is Mira, 35y, mum of two little angels. I find it very difficult to track my food intake, but I am up for challenge.
  • skill133
    skill133 Posts: 161
    I didn't eat super great this weekend due to some of the festivities I had going on, but I did get in plenty of steps and even sweated a few times. I eat better during the week, so I should get on track calorie wise today!
  • amymctgr
    amymctgr Posts: 39 Member
    I took a break from tracking over the weekend. I tried to make healthy choices, but I did have a cupcake on Saturday. It was really good and I don't regret it:) Back on track today!

    I went to a freezer meal workshop on Sunday and made 10 freezer meals. All of them are pretty healthy, mostly chicken and ground turkey. I still have to enter the recipes into MFP, but at least I know what I'm eating for dinner this week:) I need to start trying to plan my meals more, and maybe do some batch cooking on Sundays after these are gone.
  • anro86
    anro86 Posts: 790 Member
    Ooohhhh, I have always wanted to go to one of those freezer meal workshops! They sound like so much fun! I had a so-so weekend food wise also. I tried to make pretty good choices, but I didn't log. Monday-Friday is much more strict for me, diet wise! Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!
  • skill133
    skill133 Posts: 161
    Amy - how are those dinners working out this week??? hopefully well...

    HAPPY HUMP DAY ALL!!! Hopefully you are having good weeks. I think i'm doing pretty good, but I don't step on the scale that often, so we'll see. I try to just wait once a week or else I may have a meltdown. LOL
  • amymctgr
    amymctgr Posts: 39 Member
    We had turkey meatloaf on Sunday (it was excellent), and we're having Lemon Rosemary Salmon today. I hope it's good!

    I'm not sure how my weight loss will go. I've starting lifting weights with Chalean Extreme in addition to my Turbofire. From what I've read, weight loss may stall (but I'll be adding muscle, boosting my metabolism, and dropping inches). We'll see how it goes.

    I think it's easier to do well during the week because most of our schedules are a little more routine. Weekends are always something different, but during the week it's get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, work out, sleep.
  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    I had a slow first week but hope to make a better showing next week. Stay strong all!
  • anro86
    anro86 Posts: 790 Member
    Down exactly one pound. I am happy with that! Now, if I can just keep that up each week :wink:
  • amymctgr
    amymctgr Posts: 39 Member
    Hello, yellow team! Are you all still here? Two more days till weigh in!

    I've had a good week. I got a fitbit, and it has really motivated me to walk more, even at my sedentary desk job. My goal is 10,000 steps a day.
  • anro86
    anro86 Posts: 790 Member
    No change in weight this week. I blame that TOM. :(
  • amymctgr
    amymctgr Posts: 39 Member
    anro86 - Probably means you'll be down more next week.

    I somehow managed to lose 2.4 lbs, so I'm happy this week:) Hope everyone who celebrates has a happy Easter. We decided to get the girls a wagon instead of a bunch of candy. My two year old goes nuts when there's candy in the house and is constantly asking for another piece, so I'd rather just avoid it. I'll probably get her a small bunny or something, though. Plus we can definitely use the wagon this spring/summer!

    As far as Easter dinner, we're visiting family. I'm just hoping there will be some healthy's so hard at potluck events! I always wind up eating over simply because I'm hungry and there's nothing healthy that will fill me up.
  • amymctgr
    amymctgr Posts: 39 Member
    Hope we get some weigh ins this week! If you stick with it, you WILL make progress.