Yellow Team!



  • anro86
    anro86 Posts: 790 Member
    Down a little over a pound this week! I will take that loss :smile: Happy weigh in day everyone!
  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    Sorry team I missed a weigh in due to a death in the family. I will be back though. Keep on going strong!
  • anro86
    anro86 Posts: 790 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear that kimjutjor.... I will be think of you and your family.

    I am only down half a pound this week... but I guess thats better than being up half a pound!

    Happy weigh in day!
  • amymctgr
    amymctgr Posts: 39 Member
    kimjutjor, sorry for your loss, but glad to have you back.

    anro86, half a pound is great when you are close to your goal!

    I'm down 1.4 lbs this week.
  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    I am down 2.8 pounds this week!! Back to some exercising and hope to keep that up. Food is not my issue now, but consistent exercise still is.
    Good job all with your losses, Yellow Team.
    I can feel my size 12 pants getting a little looser finally and am tempted to try to squeeze into a size 10 at the store next time I go. It feels so good to go down a size that I seem to push it and buy a pair of pants before I truly comfortably fit into them. I guess it motivates me to have them in my closet waiting til I can fit them comfortably enough to wear in public. Seeing as I started this journey wearing a size 26 pants, you can probably see where I am coming from on the wonderment and joy of buying smaller sizes.
    Share your non-scale victories here too so we can all cheer you on. I find it funny how much joy some of these little victories give me and push me to meet my goal.
  • amymctgr
    amymctgr Posts: 39 Member
    Yay! Congrats. I'd definitely buy the 10's:)

    I was doing well earlier in the week, but not so much the last few days. Down .5 lb, but I'll take it. I'm starting a 1 week clean eating challenge next week, so I'm hoping it'll be a big week for me:)

    I have issues with consistent exercise too. I need to get up early, but I'm NOT a morning person, and my 8 month old wakes up at 5:30 as it is. I'm going to work on that next week least 4 days of exercise.

    My NSV: I went to the National Zoo (in DC) on Wednesday, and walked around 6.5 miles according to my fitbit. I was pulling a wagon with my 2 year old, the (heavy) diaper/food bag, and our cooler of bottled water the whole time, mostly uphill. I don't think I could have done it a few months ago:)
  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    I was doing well earlier in the week, but not so much the last few days. Down .5 lb, but I'll take it. I'm starting a 1 week clean eating challenge next week, so I'm hoping it'll be a big week for me:)

    I have issues with consistent exercise too. I need to get up early, but I'm NOT a morning person, and my 8 month old wakes up at 5:30 as it is. I'm going to work on that next week least 4 days of exercise.

    My NSV: I went to the National Zoo (in DC) on Wednesday, and walked around 6.5 miles according to my fitbit. I was pulling a wagon with my 2 year old, the (heavy) diaper/food bag, and our cooler of bottled water the whole time, mostly uphill. I don't think I could have done it a few months ago:)

    I seem to be doing a little better on my consistency in exercise, every other day is working for me lately. I need to also get back to my morning routine as that was my most consistent time I ever had and although I am NOT a morning person either, it just seemed to work so well for me. I guess the consistent exercise gave me the energy I needed to rest well and wake up ready.

    How is the clean eating going???

    My latest NSV: my kids who are in college keep asking me all the time now why I am walking so fast and I reply that I am not. I guess since I have lost so much weight and am in better shape I just tend to take off and move much faster than in the past and they are having issues keeping up with me!!!!! Wonderful feeling!
  • amymctgr
    amymctgr Posts: 39 Member
    Great NSV! The clean eating was ok, but I like the flexibility of doing things the way I did before, so I went back to that. I don't cook alot, so it was more of a pain than anything.
  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    I understand you on the clean eating. I do eat very well according to how I used to eat but sometimes life gets in the way and I have to be able to adjust and so I cannot be too limiting ALL the time. Also, I find for me that I have to say that absolutely nothing is off limits and if I want it then I can have moderation. That way, I seem to have psychologically eliminated the cravings.

    I now have a fitbit and am loving it. if you want to add me as a friend there so we can challenge each other with steps then please feel free to add me. I don't know how to do it yet, but I think my profile is //

    My latest NSV was that I actually jogged for 10 minutes straight! I had been stuck at 90 seconds and then being wiped out at the end of the 90. I consider this a HUGE accomplishment for me and hope that encourages me to be more active.
  • amymctgr
    amymctgr Posts: 39 Member
    Haha I haven't figured out how to add people on the fitbit yet:) I gained about half a pound this week:( I've been stuck between the same two lbs for the last three weeks...guess I need to step it up a bit! I think I've been underestimating my calories, so it's time to start measuring everything again.

    Congrats on jogging for 10 minutes straight! I can't run more than 60 seconds without getting winded (which is weird, because I can finish an entire 60 minutes of Turbofire) Do you run on a treadmill or outside?

    No NSV's for me this week. I did get a new scale that measures body fat percentage. I'm looking forward to seeing that number go down as well.
  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    Since my son is home from college and training for a half marathon, I have taken to the streets to run with him (although we don't run together as he is far more advanced in his running), but we do pass each other during the runs. I have liked the outside runs in the nice evening weather. Before a month ago, I was doing all treadmill walks and runs and liked it but think being outside helps me to not focus on how long or far I have gone and instead lets me zone out for bits of time thus increasing my endurance to push forward.

    I now have some fitbit friends but only because they requested me. I still don't know how to request a friend or search for one. I am sure it isn't that hard, but just haven't had the time to figure it out.
  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    also I wish I would have gotten an official body fat measurement at the start of this journey to compare to what I am now and will be in the future. So use the new scale to its fullest potential to help you get to where you need to be.