Thank you all

whizzlers Posts: 101 Member
Thank you all for your help and advice whilst I have been doing stage 1.

I have decided after reading and researching a lot that I will not be doing Stage 2 but I will be attempting Strong Lifts 5x5. As I work out in the morning, I wanted something nice and simple - stage 1 was, but stage 2 looks more complex and time consuming.

Hope you all have fun and thank you so much for your help and tips along the way



  • charleigh78
    charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
    You must tell more? Why no Stage 2? I start stage 2 very soon and I want to know your reasons :smile: . You can message me if you don't want it "public".

    Thanks :)
  • whizzlers
    whizzlers Posts: 101 Member
    Nothing major - just the time I have read that it has taken people and how some have found further along in the programme more complex.

    I like stage one - as its fairly simple, and at 5.45 in the morning I NEED simple. Looking at the exercises further along, when it calls for balancing on one leg during one exercise, I just something that is simpler so that I can focus more on form and less about remembering what comes next.

    I have really enjoyed stage one and I may go back to it when I have more time. I work out in the morning to avoid going when it is busy, but it has given me LOADS more confidence since starting it! I never thought I would be able to walk around the weights bit AND move things!!

    How are you finding it? xxx
  • charleigh78
    charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
    I have loved it so far. I finish Phase 1 this week. I move to phase 2 next.

    I considered moving to Strong Lifts. Keep me posted on how you like it. I would really like to finish the whole program, just to say that I finished something, lol. I tend to be ADD and I lose focus with one thing and move on. I REALLY want to stick it out as a test of discipline.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    The timing for me on Stage 2 went as follows: Work out A started at 40 minutes, then 35, the last two were 30 minutes. Workout B started at 50 minutes, then forty minutes and the two were 35 minutes. I did not do the interval training. The times of my first try of both workouts were longer as I learned the routine. Hope this helps!