April Challenge!!



  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    down 6 pounds this week, I am so happy about that, I am now back down to where I was last year, time to plow forward!
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    I can hardly wait to weigh in on Monday morning this week is going to be EPIC!
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    down 7 pounds in six days, I am down 21 pounds since February 20ths,, loving atkins again
  • lorarte
    lorarte Posts: 56 Member
    well done on hitting your personal best, keep up the great work!
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    So, I have to come clean and say that my person best slipped over the weekend, but I will get it back! I celebrated my best friends birthday on Sunday afternoon with a wine tasting event and it tipped me over. I woke up Monday morning with a raging headache, puffy and all out of sorts. It will take me a few days to get my mojo back. :huh: Stay tuned...
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    I went to the DR Yesterday, in 4 weeks I lost 17 pounds on thier scale, the DR and the nurse were a very surprised, He kept asking me, "how did you do it", I simply replied, "Less in, More out",, I never tell the DR that I do atkins, in years past when I have it just opens a whole can of worms, So I just let them wonder how and why are my test scores so low, why is my blood pressure low, how did I get my cholestorol so low, and how did I lose 17 pounds in one month,, its too bad the mainstream medical world doesnt believe in low carb and its amazing powers to improve our health!
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    oh the dreaded week 2 of atkins, also the dreaded week 2 of any diet, ever watch the biggest loser, and how tough it is for them to lose any weight at all in week 2,,, I think this is why atkins wants people to only weigh on induction after the full 14 days are up, this way you swallow up the week 2 lows, and you only see that big number of weight lost over the course of the whole 14 days, but I was too excited to not weigh during week 1,, lol,, so I have to push onward and get thru week 2 and look forward to week 3, I feel great in ketosis, and I am only 7 pounds away from the low point I was last year, so its only a few short days until i am in new terratory once again!!
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    I am only 7 pounds away from the low point I was last year, so its only a few short days until i am in new territory once again!!

    Yeah for new territory!!! I am looking for that again in a few days as well. We will get there!
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    Today I am celebrating 25 lbs lost since February 10th! Yes, I messed up last weekend, but that is behind me and now I am moving forward. Even though I have friends in from out of town tomorrow and a family gathering for Easter, I have a plan and I will not drink alcohol! That was my downfall last week and I have spent 4 days recovering from it. Onward and upward (or downward, in the case of weight!!!).
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    congrats on the 25 pounds
  • LuluNH
    LuluNH Posts: 75 Member
    I'm usually under 50 carbs daily and between 1200 to 1400 calories but my strategy for Easter is to stick to 3 main foods for the dinner and account for the sugar/carbs in the sweet potato soufflé. I will avoid bread, potato, rice, etc. and back to low carb for the next meal. I expect an uptick but I am not going to stress about it. The sweet potato dish gets made 1 or 2 times per year and I plan to cut the sugar in half!! Best wishes to everyone!!
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    Wow, so fun to hear someone else is planning to low carb thru Easter, I am going to dine on Ham, green bean blue cheese dish , and a 7 layer salad that only has low carb vegies with a full fat dressing, its going to feel EPIC to go thru a major holiday and not blow it
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    I went to a good friend's 50th birthday party on Friday as well as an Easter Sunday celebration and still came through with a 1 pound loss this weekend!!! My Easter meal was ham, some quiche (without the crust) and strawberries. It helped that I had a protein bar and coffee with heavy cream beforehand.

    Good luck to everyone for a strong finish this month!
  • hwinnm
    hwinnm Posts: 6
    Hi All,

    I'm joining the group for support and your feedback. I'm day 8 of Induction and going strong.
  • hwinnm
    hwinnm Posts: 6
    Good Job!
    I usually dont say Atkins because people judge. I say that I'm eating the cave woman diet of no processed food and it's true. No processed bread, pasta, sugar etc...
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    I love it,, cave diet,, lol, there are plenty of people I dont tell the word "Atkins too" even my doctor,, with some people I simpley say " Less in More out" then it seems to suit them, often times it just isnt worth the can of worms that gets opened, I think thats one of the reasons I love this group so much, getting to hang out with my fellow low carbers here and say what we need to say and just feel accepted, it felt great to low carb thru easter
  • socalgyrl
    socalgyrl Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I know the month is almost over, but I would like to join this challenge. I started induction on Thursday, 6 days ago, and I am down four pounds!! I am very excited. I have been weighing myself daily because I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical at first about eating all that fat. I have more energy than I have had in years, I am really surprised, and I find my meals to be more satisfying since I can eat all my cheesy, fatty deliciousness. My only problem has been figuring out what snacks to eat on the go, ones that don't need to be refrigerated or microwaved, but I am sure I can google some things when I have time.

    I told myself I would do two weeks of induction and then I would slowly incorporate more complex carbs, but I just might reach my goal weight if things continue the way they have. I have seen the most progress when I work out, even if its walking at a moderate pace for 30 minutes. I am 5'11, 189.5 (Started at 193.7 on April 17th), and my goal is 175. I am going to start weight training today to tighten up, I have a wedding to attend in the Dominican Republic in 4 weeks :)
  • LuluNH
    LuluNH Posts: 75 Member
    So I'm up after Easter...to be expected...just like Christmas working to match my ticker and then downdowndown!!! Best wishes for an on-plan day!!! You don't have to be perfect just keep trying and soon low carb becomes the habit!!! I am marching towards 160 and I want it for this summer!!
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    3 more days in April...finish strong! I went to a wedding yesterday and only had some wine - went out to dinner later and had a big chicken caesar salad. No cake, no pasta, no pizza - it was a casual wedding. Anyway, we will see what my weigh-in is in the morning since I was out of town the last two days...
  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    :grumble: I said I wanted to get down to 161lbs by the end of April. Maybe I should have factored-in Easter and all of the family birthday parties! I'm down to 170, so still making progress, but right now it's slow progress! Fingers crossed for an extra pound or so in the next 3 days!