8 week challenge!

bekamullin Posts: 16 Member
Hi guys, I am have just embarked on a 8 week challenge created by myself, purely for myself :) It involves a specific weight training routine, 10k training plan and lots of clean foods. BUT I have another part of my challenge which I would really like some support from you guys with, as it's not something I really want to talk about with my friends or family. I want to be 100% binge free for 8 weeks. I'm still allowing a cheat day once a week, but even on those days I don't want to binge.
Even if I give in and get a chocolate bar in the week, I want it to start and end there. No more 'well today is ****ed anyway so I might as well....'.

When I binge I feel so sad and so low, I lose all my confidence and self esteem, I feel massive amounts of self hate and yet I feel so out of control. I've been struggling with bulimia as well, although I believe this all stems from my BED which I've had pretty much my whole life. I'm ready to take matters into my own hands now. I am not going to let this control me because I'm stronger than that. I would really really love it if some of you would go 8 weeks binge free with me. I know it can be a little daunting, especially if you feel like you're at a low point right now, but I believe we can do it :)


  • You can do it! And your cheat day (but without bingeing is a great strategy)! I am at a low right now, but I have marked my calendar and am striving for 8 weeks binge free.