CHECK-IN Day Three

Hi Everyone! How are ya doing?
Even if you are new to the group,
delayed in starting or are in the middle of T-25, please feel free to join us!

We are here to help motivate and keep each other on track for these 10 weeks!

If you haven't taken the time to get your measurements and before photos done, please do this.
Trust me when i say, I didnt think it was important, UNTIL Stat-Ur-Day came around.

I was SOOO glad I did the before pics and took my measurements. In my first week on T-25, I had lost 6.8lbs and 6.75 inches off my body!!
You need those NON-SCALE VICTORIES to measure your progress becasue you are building muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat so your scale isnt going to measure the true progress, like measurements will and photos.

So today, you need to "GET CLEAN".
What do I mean by "Get Clean", Shower? no! You need to clean out the cupboards, pantry, hidden places you are keeping the unclean, unhealthy foods.
Donate to a local food bank or friends but get these temptations and unhealthy foods out of your home.

Check your "Get It Done Nutrition Guide" and fill your pantry with those 25 "Keep it real" foods you need.

You can do this and you are setting yourself up for success.

I have two kids (19 and 6) and husband. We all eat the same way, its getting them healthy while I am losing weight.
we already eat pretty healthy, we love veggies and such but those little temptations had to leave that I might have for my kids snacks. So "when in doubt... CLEAN IT OUT!".

K give us a check-in for your day!
Keep it going!!! We can do it!