How am I doing on Atkins?

FIRST - don't tell me that Atkins is not the way to go and that you just need to eat healthy, cook your own food, etc - DUH! I know that is what I should be doing but I am not able or willing (I have tried - I fail). I need an easy to follow - no thinking - no extra effort - way of doing this. I feel like Atkins can be this for me. Maybe down the line when I see results, feel more fit, etc I can start doing this the right way - for now this is my routine.

I like to wake up late so I have no time to cook at home - if I have to pre-make meals in the evening or wake up earlier to cook I won't do it so don't even suggest that.

I started Monday and have lost 4 pounds.

I wake up and do a 2 minute workout to get my metabolism going (jumping jacks, mountain climbers, etc - get the heart and blood going). I get to work and eat two vitamins. I then eat a scrambled egg Atkins breakfast bowl and one banana in the AM. Then a Atkins shake for my morning snack a few hours later.

Then I eat an Atkins Frozen Lunch (so much variety) and some dehydrated veggie chips at lunch. In the afternoon I have an Atkins snack bar (feels like a delicious desert). I feel full all day now - it's awesome!

Then when I get home I typically have a fruit smoothie before I workout -OR- walk/run for 20 minutes (6 days a week). I do a bodyweight 100 workout I got from Mens Health. On the other days I do a walk/run combo - whatever I can handle.

Then I have a meal from this website each night ( using fresh proteins and veggies and very little processed food - so delicious and filling. Low calorie healthy options.

I am losing weight (finally) and feel full all the time. It only took 5 years to get started and I feel like this is easy enough I can stick with it ---- jeez.


  • heatherluuu
    heatherluuu Posts: 58 Member
    Great Job! Glad you found something that works for you. :)
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    I find that in this group, most of us are in the same boat, and usually noone judges our Atkns choice (vastly different from regular community boards)! I just have some questions and suggestions (and there is no snarkiness meant, but sometimes it might sound like that). Have you read about the Atkins diet, and if so are you following induction? I only ask because generally speaking fruit is not allowed in induction as the sugar in the fruits (and fruit smoothies) really slows down the bodies ability to get into ketosis. The weight loss that you have expierenced so far is likely water fluctuations, which is a start!!! But you may see that loss stall out if you keep up with the fruit. I personally don't eat the Atkins products as I find that they also stall my weight loss (due to sugar alcohols, etc).
    I'm glad that you found something that you feel you can stick really does work! After a week or so you should see your energy levels improve, and might find that you can get up a little earlier in order to prep some other food choices. I also hate getting up earlier then necessary, so on my days off when I grocery shop I take an hour or so to prep food for the week (cutting up veggies for snacking, marinating chicken breast and freezing them, making beef patties, etc) that seems to help me as I can grab food and go. Also if you have a microwave at work, and you like can cook scrambled eggs right in the micro, add some previously chopped veggies and maybe some cheese...and BOOM! a quick delicious high protein breakfast in seconds :) At any rate, keep up the great work!!! Feel free to add me as a friend, I try to be encouraging...and honest :)