favorite way to work out

icha3x Posts: 54 Member
wondering about different ways to workout. mostly what are people doing at home. purchased dvds? dailyburn? youtube? treadmill or other machine? what is working for you or keeps you going?


  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    I take a Yolaties class 2X/week. It is a combination of Yoga and Pilates. It is similar to Standing Pilates. Lots of core and balance work. 3X/week I go to the gym and do some cardio (exercycle, elliptical, recumbent elliptical, recumbent exercyle, slamming 8 to 10 pound medicine ball on floor over and over). I like to walk but have allergies, so that's why I do cardio in the gym. I also do freeweights, flexibility exercises and pilates type exercises. I go to the gyms at the community recreation centers. Sometimes I go alone, but I made friends at the gym. Other times I go with my husband and son.

    If it is not convenient to go to the gym, at home I do Yolaties (I learned the moves in class). (do internet search on Standing Pilates or blogilates to find similar exercises).