Surprise after vacation

JKDLady Posts: 131 Member
I was away from the gym for 2.5 weeks on vacation. While I did lots of hiking and snorkeling, I did no lifting or other exercises like push ups or sit-ups. I didn't overindulge in food or alcohol, but I certainly didn't count calories. I only gained 0.9 pounds while away. I will take that as a win.

I returned to the gym this morning to continue my Strong Curves routine. I'm in week 10 now. I was fully expecting that I would have to drop the weights on some of the exercises, but decided to keep the weights the same and lower the reps, if necessary. To my surprise, I was able to use the same weights and *increase* some of the reps. I'm exhausted, but very pleased with where I am!

Now, to get back into the swing of things and count calories. I have two days under my belt already. The break did so much good!