A few days late but I started

I started my 30 day shred today. Can I just say, Holy Moly that is a great workout. I was shaking for about 10 minutes afterwards. Curious to see how sore I will be tomorrow. I ended up using 5lb weights, which may be a bit too much for me right now but I may just stick with it!

Happy to be joining this journey with you all!:wink:


  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    I started my 30 day shred today. Can I just say, Holy Moly that is a great workout. I was shaking for about 10 minutes afterwards. Curious to see how sore I will be tomorrow. I ended up using 5lb weights, which may be a bit too much for me right now but I may just stick with it!

    Happy to be joining this journey with you all!:wink:
    Great job!! And you will most likely be pretty sore tomorrow
    But don't let it deter you from continuing, it goes away after a few days
    Thankfully! I am ready to climb stairs again without cringing! ;)
  • mostclevernameever
    mostclevernameever Posts: 4 Member
    I like to think my sore muscles are a badge I've earned. I am ready! Bring it on, Jillian!
  • Karissa_Clohan
    Karissa_Clohan Posts: 126 Member
    Better late than never, OP :)