Newbie here...

HI everyone!
I'm 42 and have had PCOS (diagnosed) for over 10 years.
I have struggled with weight gain every day/month/year.
I am on a new journey and found a way that I'm getting results forthe first time ever in my life.

I wish that someone could have told me about this a long time ago because now I have over 200lbs to lose but I will get there.
I'm not sure how many are like me that if you eat certain foods, it will put you to sleep in 20-30 minutes. The high glycemic foods do that to me. Very frustrating.
I will say I have been gluten-free before so if you haven't tried that.. you might want to. I don't seem to drop as easily, nor gain, when I eat gluten-free breads, and pasta, foods.

Having said that.. I started Focus-T25 workout. At 345lbs, there is no way any program was "EASY" but this one was. When i say easy, I mean If i can do it, anyone can.
One of the coolest things ever is "modification" of exercise. In Focus T-25 they have a modifier that shows you how to do the same exercise easier and still get results.
Can I say..."Where was this 10-15 years ago??"

I lost 6.75 inches over my whole body in ONE WEEK!! 2 inches was just off my hips! That has NEVER EVER happened in my life.

the other thing is I would get tired really easily during the day and exhuasted from any workout I did because of my weight. Now I'm drinking "Shakeology" every morning. I've never been able to find a breakfast that didnt make me gain weight or not "hold me" for more than an hour. We all know how sugars are for our body so forget fruit in morning or juice!!

So I started drinking it (chocolate) and added almond milk and coffee.. yes coffee.. OMG its a Frappe!!!!!!!!!! My fav! You'd have to know how mucH i love those 400 cal drinks but only would endulge about once every 3 weeks.

Now I'm not a "Sweet tooth" person, I'm a salty, so surprisingly I loved the chocolate. Omg my hubby put frozen strawberries in and it tasted like chocolate ice cream with strawberries/sauce.
Okay, sorry lost focus.. yum!

Anyways, I have to say I wish someone told me about these sooner because I feel amazing energy, and sleep SOOOOO good and its a meal replacement so I know i'm getting what I need and don't have to worry if what I eat will make me gain or drop me.
I only drink it for breakfast cuz thats the hardest meal for me and it helps me have energy all day.

I know I sound like a "infomercial" but I know the struggle and i've been telling friends and family that struggle with PCOS and they started and started feeling better, and losing weight.

I have a long way to go but i don't care, this fitness program works and shake works. So feel free to private message me or even email me ( if you want me to share more, i'd rather not put too much here.

I'm not on my metformin (3 x's a day was my original dose) anymore...the shakeology levels my blood sugar and holds me way past lunch. Often I forget to eat lunch until 2pm.

I hope this helps someone. I will be honest, I plan on becoming a fitness certified trainer *lifelong dream in my skinny days before marriage (my daughter is one through National Academy of Sports Medicine and getting her college degree in exercise science) and helping other PCOS women start this journey. I do sell this stuff but you don't have to buy anything from me, just research it and consider it. I don't care who you buy it through, just try it. Shakeology has a 30 day money back guarantee. You can return the bag EMPTY and get your money back if you dont like it. You can change flavors anytime if you dont like one you get.
I'm sorry if this offends people but if you are TRULY someone that suffers from PCOS as I have since 1993 but didnt get diagnosed officially until 12 years ago (I believe they didnt know what it was back 19yr ago).

By the way you can pass this while pregnant. I never ever had a problem before and when pregnant my weight went way up.
My daughter who is the trainer has PCOS! We went to a hormone doctor ( and he explained that while preganant, my body developed PCOS and that how my daughter got it. We have two versions, mine is excessive periods, hers is absence of periods. So she also fights this and is partially why she's become a trainer to keep herself fit so symptoms stay away and now she's on shakeology and is seeing amazing energy and results.

This is a weird side-note.. we both have noticed our facial hair is reducing, like its not coming in daily as strong, so maybe the shake, maybe the weight loss, not sure. But I'll take it!!!

Sorry for long post, hope no-one is offended but as I mentioned before, if you truly suffer from this terrible sydrome, you would want someone to share.