Calling Paleo Runners!

Kaitlyn811 Posts: 49 Member
Hello fellow paleo friends,

I would like to get some opinions. I'm a runner (not a major runner - I'm currently training for a 10k - so like 9-15 miles a week), and I do yoga a couple times a week. I have about 20 pounds to lose still, but I'm also active (except I sit mostly all day at a desk - lame).

Anyway, is anyone else a paleo runner needing to lose weight? Where do you keep your carb level? What do you eat before and after a run?

I should also probably mention I do my running at night. I'm a mom to a vibrant toddler so exercise only happens after bedtime.



  • lttappenn
    lttappenn Posts: 40 Member
    I trail run 2 or 3 days a week, about 4 miles a day. I also strength train 3 days a week, not on running days usually. I have my macros set to 40 protein, 30 fat, 30 carbs. I try to make sure I have some carbs and protein about an hour or two before I run. It seems to help keep my energy up. I have my calories set to TDEE minus 15% and have been steadily losing slowly. I am very happy with this set up. I don't feel like I am starving and I am losing slow and steady. I also do a couple days (or more) here and there where I eat at my TDEE or a little higher. Keeps me sane, energized, and from feeling deprived. Good luck!
  • onionparsleysage
    onionparsleysage Posts: 103 Member
    I prefer to run fasted in the mornings, but sometimes have to do an afternoon workout instead. No pre-workout food for me, and I only find that necessary when I run more than 2 hours. Your body has more than enough energy stored for that long.

    In the summer I bring electrolytes with me for runs longer than 1 hour. No idea what to replace that with since going primal....

    Post-run I like roasted sweet potatoes (cold from the fridge) & full fat cottage cheese.

    I haven't started to focus on my carb levels, and just trying to focus on staying primal for the moment. As an athlete, I feel that my performance will suffer if I go too low carb. I'm not trying to lose major weight, though, just a few stubborn belly pounds.
  • fitmann25
    fitmann25 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, My running is mainly sprinting but I do like to throw in a 3-5 K jog on occasion to mix it up. With regards to pre workout carbs, what I have found is that if I eat approx. 50 g of carbs 1-1.5 hours before my workout it seems to up my energy levels to the point where I can have a solid workout. If I feel especially low in energy I will up that to 100 g. Because I follow a low carb version of Paleo I have to be cognizant of the fact I can not just expect my body to run 5K or sprint 100m 5 times without plenty of glucose circulating in my body. Post workout I don’t believe in slamming yourself full of carbs so I will just have an apple or two. Now that the snow has finally melted I am going to get back outside to get my sprinting and jogging program going again to lose 5-7 lbs.
  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    You can be paleo and eat at what ever level of carbs you want.

    I keep mine in the 70 - 130gm range, more because of hormonal issues and I find this works for me.

    I'm running 10-15 miles a week and am in the process of increasing this as I am training for a half marathon. I also lift quite heavy 2-3 times a week and do a pilates class. I've been eating at this level for quite a long time now and not found it a problem. I don't specifically eat carbs around exercise, but do plan meals around my work outs so I guess it works out easily enough.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    When I eat mostly primal I naturally seem to eat about 25 percent carbs and 25 percent protein and 50 percent fat. Recently I have been trying to get that closer to 20 percent carbs, 30 percent protein and 50 percent fat. I eat something before I run and after but I don't specifically eat carbs. Sometimes I will plan my frozen banana, cocoa, almond butter "ice cream" concoction on a day that I am planning to run but it doesn't necessarily happen right before or after.
  • Kaitlyn811
    Kaitlyn811 Posts: 49 Member
    Sorry this is late - thanks for the post everyone! I appreciate the feedback.

    Runningjen - I like how you do things, I can't do low carb (tried, and I suffered HARD - hormones, etc) so I'm shooting to stay around 100g a day.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Hi! I'm a primal runner. I have my carbs at 150g, mostly because my total intake is 2400 cals/day. I do power lifting and triathlon training. I ran a marathon last year averaging 80g carbs/day and I was fine. It's a totally personal thing, you've gotta just find what works for you.
  • Kaitlyn811
    Kaitlyn811 Posts: 49 Member
    Hey PrimalRunner!

    Thanks for your input!! I think I need to incorporate more strength into my routines. I also think I may need to give my body some time to adjust and get more fat!