Need help! Carbs getting on my nerves.

I have just started off today and I realized, everything I eat tends to have loads of carbs in it! What do I do? I want to cut down. For a newbie looking to lose around 32 kgs, what exercises should I do?
All advise is welcome and valued and hey, thank you! :D


  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    What are your goals and why exactly are you cutting carbs?
  • MystiqueNick
    I am 93kgs now at 5'7 and I want to become 58.
    My daily intake of calories should be around 1200 but most of it (about 50%) gets consumed by Carbs.
    At this rate, I won't make too much progress.
    I did to make it balanced with enough fats and protiens too.
    Any advise?
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    I'm having a hard time understanding why your net calories is 1200 (@5'7" and 205lbs)

    I'm 5'7" and have my activity at sedate. My net is almost 1800 for 0.5 lbs per week loss. What is your lb per week loss set at?

    From here, I'll leave it up to the forum moderators to actually give advice.
  • MystiqueNick
    I want a 1kg per week loss. Which is the healthiest best I can do!
    Also, nobody except you has replied, you sure the mods will?
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    I want a 1kg per week loss. Which is the healthiest best I can do!
    Also, nobody except you has replied, you sure the mods will?

    You should make sure you are getting enough protein. That should help curb the hunger a bit. But I was like you and was eating a lot of carbs. I didn't eliminate them but I've cut down. ie... cut rice, bread, potatoes, pasta in half and sub'd it with more veggies. You can get much more volume and feel fuller.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I'm probably not the best person to answer your question, so I will tell you my observations from my own experience. I tend to eat a lot of carbs, but the carbs I eat are coming from whole, natural foods... such as fruits, veggies, and meat. So if I go over, I don't freak out about it because I know I'm still eating clean. Even though I have my goal set up to eat no more than 30% carbs (35% fat/35% protein), I am usually around 40 to 45% carbs by the end of the day. But that still better than the 50% to 75% carbs I was consuming just a few months ago.

    If you are trying to cut back on the carbs from starchy foods (pasta, rice, potatoes, etc), then maybe try just cutting back your portion sizes a little here and there until you are more comfortable with removing them your diet (if that is your ultimate goal).

    Not sure that answers your question or helps though...
  • ChaslynClare
    I have the same problem as you! I eat way to many carbs! I have a super fast matabloism so it is hard for me to stay full without the carbs, but i am trying to get in shape for "Swimsuit Season". I have found that it is best to plan out your meals ahead of time so that way you are within your carbs. My personal trainer advised me to do 50% protein 30% carbs and 20% fats. So far it has been a struggle, but it is becoming eaiser. I have found that a good way to get protein is with hardboiled eggs, tuna in a spinach salad, and even protein shakes. If you do the protein shakes make sure you do them in the morning or after a workout! All of these things have very little carbs and lots of proteins, which help you meet your protein goal and help keep your carbs low. Diet is the hardest part so stick with it !
  • reklawn
    reklawn Posts: 112 Member
    I am with montana_girl. If you are getting your carbs from healthy sources--grains, fruits, veggies... don't worry. Carbs are GOOD for you when they aren't overly processed.
  • s0njas0n
    s0njas0n Posts: 18 Member
    I don't eliminate carbs for breakfast or lunch. My chiropractor has encouraged me to eat low carb and fat for dinner, but it's not off limits during the day time. I still eat fruits, grains, nuts, and potatoes. These aren't bad for you alone but try not to bulk up on the same carbs multiple times a day (something i'm guilty of)