Final results!

actiontime26 Posts: 67 Member
Here's are my final results. I lost 10 lbs. There only reason why I didn't loose more is because I didn't eat clean enough. But That's ok. I'm still amaze by my results. I lost so much inches, mostly my upper body and my butt. I even lost in my calf. I never thought it would be possible. So now I am moving on the Chalean Xtreme. I thought of doing a 2nd round of JMBR but I know I will get bored and quit. Also, I did half of the program of CLX and I got good results, mostly for my thighs. And I really want leaner legs ( which I didn't really get from doing JMBR). So enjoy my pics and hopefully it will inspire some of you to continue :)



  • leelafry
    leelafry Posts: 46 Member
    You are looking absolutely fantastic! Visible results are highly motivating! Keep it going!
    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    Great job! I love your enthusiasm to continue to push yourself. Good luck with the next challenge.
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Woo Hoo! Nice job finishing the program. I can see such a difference, you are much leaner more toned, your waist/abs I would kill for :-) enjoy CLX!
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Wow! Great job!

    I agree with the fact that JMBR neglects the legs a bit but for me its a question of upping the weights, what weights did you use?

    I can highly recomend Jillians Killer buns and thighs if you want to shape up your legs even more, see more muscle definition etc. If you just want to lean out, do more cardio. Cardio cardio cardio til it comes out of your ears.
  • actiontime26
    actiontime26 Posts: 67 Member
    Wow! Great job!

    I agree with the fact that JMBR neglects the legs a bit but for me its a question of upping the weights, what weights did you use?

    I can highly recomend Jillians Killer buns and thighs if you want to shape up your legs even more, see more muscle definition etc. If you just want to lean out, do more cardio. Cardio cardio cardio til it comes out of your ears.

    thanks! I use 5lbs up to 10 lbs. I didn't use the rubber bands.
    thanks for the recommendation. I will check out Jillian killer buns and thighs. I do cardio too. Summer is coming soon so I will do even more cardio.