*I apologize for the late post, I had severe asthma attack and have been doing nebulizer breathing treatment.

K, its.. STAT-UR-DAY!!
What is Staturday? This is where you take pictures of your progress and record your measurements and weight.
You do not need to feel obligated to share but we'd love to celebrate your progress with you.

If you feel you haven't progressed as you think you should have, look through this list of items to see if you are hitting them.

*Portion Control
*following the Nutrition Guide
*Exercising everyday
*Completing the workout
*Snacks (are they low cal and within allowed foods recommended)

Watch this video today for some encouragements from Shaun T as we go into week 2

Some of you may be doing your Friday Double Down 2nd exercise today...that is fine but make sure you are following the plan.

If you are on a different day, you still need to keep Saturday as your STATURDAY..
have a great day!!!