Week 1

Hello My name is Antonio,

One week has passed since I have started my journey of weight loss. I Started Phentermine, B12 shots, portion control on my meals, and walking daily. I have not seen a physical change in my appearance when I look at a mirror. However, I have gone down 4 pants sizes and lost 19lbs.
I am still having a hard time accepting that I lost that much weight in 7 days. I assume that most of it is water but not sure how much is actually fat that I am loosing and not muscle. I have not worked in lifting weights as of yet. I want to get my cardio going, and work on not losing my breath doing any light physical activities (like walking and having to stop every 2 to 3 min to catch my breath). So far I have been walking everyday while I am at work I can get in 3/4 mile on each of my 2 15 min breaks and on my lunch I can get in 1.3 miles.
I have noticed I am walking much faster and I do not lose my breath unless I add some incline to the paths I am taking but I am doing much better than I was a week ago. I think I will be adding some type of aerobic exercise in the morning before work. I am going to try a few games on the Wii and Ps3 to get my heart pumping in the morning and see how that works out. I also have cut out candy and Non Diet sodas.
I am still having a hard time not drinking anything sweet with meals. I drink a lot of water throughout the day but I have always had something sweet with my meals since I was a child. I typically drink minute maid lite lemonade that is only 10 calories per serving. It has to be a psychological thing because I can have a few sips while eating and be satisfied. I have tried several diets in the past and all the different forms of advice from friends and family and have failed or gave up because I never was able to shed a pound. I am hoping that this time I will do it and learn to maintain my weight. I know it will be a challenge and I have a long road ahead of me but I will get there this time and reach my goal.


  • adlace
    adlace Posts: 375 Member
    Way to go so far! And here's to future success! *seltzer water toast