Day 7 - April 7 (ONE WEEK!)

ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
I just struggled my way through Day 7! Yay! One full week of shredding! *high fives*

My ankles are really hurting me (I sprained them both badly when I was younger and have bone fragments in one ankle from falling down the stairs) I might need to take a day off but don't want to break my streak because it'll be harder for me to start back up if I stop. I'm going to try and push through this for as long as possible.


  • danabm
    danabm Posts: 47 Member
    Completed this morning. My hubby is on vacation this week so I told him he is banned from the living room till 5:30 and he was such a trooper. I am really proud that I maintained my workout over the weekend as well. I typically do not.

    I do find things are getting easier, but those jumping jacks after the jump rope were rough this morning as well as those squat and presses. I had to put my weights down this morning. Kind of disappointing, but I can overcome. :smile:
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    Monday mornings are just the toughest for me to get out of bed, I am sorry to say, I stayed in bed as long as possible this morning, until about 7am. So no am workout for me :sad:

    I am posting here as my accountability that I WILL do it this evening as soon as I get home, before I eat dinner!

    Great job everyone!

    I am also starting a new diet today, The Doctor's Diet by Travis Stork. I had just let my eating get out of control last week (as I was PMSing too) too much chocolate, fast food, fried food, not good all around! Here's to getting the eating on track with the exercising.
  • michlou84
    michlou84 Posts: 34
    Done ????
    Feeling happy that I made it to one week. My problem at the moment is what I'm eating, I've been getting so much more hungry since doing this but have no motivation to eat well. Need to find the strength to stop eating sweets and chocolate!
  • dmfrank78
    dmfrank78 Posts: 16 Member
    I, too, did not get out of bed this morning to get it done in the a.m. but am putting it out there that I will do it tonight!

    Great job to everyone!
  • danabm
    danabm Posts: 47 Member
    Done ????
    Feeling happy that I made it to one week. My problem at the moment is what I'm eating, I've been getting so much more hungry since doing this but have no motivation to eat well. Need to find the strength to stop eating sweets and chocolate!

    I have noticed an uptick in my hunger as well. I used to get up work out and then be able to wait till I got to work to eat my oatmeal. But at the halfway point in the work out all I can think about is Frosted Flakes. Thankfully I stuck to my oatmeal this morning. :smile:

    Hopefully we can all find a balance on this.
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Day 7 done! Wahoo! One week done 3 to go! I used 5 lb weights today instead Of the normal 3lb and it was much more of a challenge. In a good way tho! Feeling less sore today as well but I kind of feel shin splints coming on :/ but great work everyone! I'm very thankful for everyone in the group because I probably would have given up by now. It's nice to have people to report to and check in with. Day 8 is the farthest I have gotten in a row without a break so here is to gettig to day 30!! Have a good day everyone!
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    Done and done! Today, I used 5 pound weights for everything except the second round of side lunge with shoulder lift. It was just too brutal. With the increased weights, I felt this was super, SUPER hard, but I'm glad I made it through.
  • mirampersanda
    I just struggled my way through Day 7! Yay! One full week of shredding! *high fives*

    My ankles are really hurting me (I sprained them both badly when I was younger and have bone fragments in one ankle from falling down the stairs) I might need to take a day off but don't want to break my streak because it'll be harder for me to start back up if I stop. I'm going to try and push through this for as long as possible.

    Good job! I sadly missed two shred days from not feeling well but I am doubling up today and tomorrow so I can get caught up with everyone. So glad we're doing this!
  • Melissas9799
    Melissas9799 Posts: 34 Member
    Day 7 Complete!! Feels good making it through a whole week. I still need work on my push ups though......
  • TurboTam
    TurboTam Posts: 174 Member
    Great job everyone! Day 7 completed this morning! I too struggled this morning with the jumping jacks in the beginning, I think I was still half asleep! If I remember correclty when I tried this before I skipped around trying all three workouts and I liked workout 2 the best so I'm looking forward to starting that in 4 days. I need to invest in some 5lb weights,I use 10lb for the bicep curls/lunges but they are too heavy for any of the shoulder exercises and my 3lb are too light. Oh and a small victory, I had to go up a notch on my belt this weekend so I measured the distance between holes and it's an inch! That renewed my motivation and felt so good!
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    I finished my workout after work but before dinner as promised!

    Let me tell you, that was brutal, I was so tired, the workout totally dragged. And I'm sick of this round, bring on Level 2! I think I remember from before that I liked Level 2 the best. Just ready for a change I guess.

    I'm also quite disappointed that I still can't get through all the pushups on my toes. I can make it about half way through, then I have to go down to my knees. I am currently using 5# weights, and that seems good for me, still a challenge. I wonder if when I do Level 2, if I'll have to go back down to 3# weights, or if I'll feel ok with the 5#, I sure hope so!

    I'm definitely doing my workout in the am tomorrow before work, I have more energy and the workout seems to go faster. Then the shower feels so refreshing. When I workout in the morning, I also treat myself to coffee on the way to work. So there is that little bonus too :drinker:
  • thanson563
    thanson563 Posts: 75 Member
    Day 7 done! Wahoo! One week done 3 to go! I used 5 lb weights today instead Of the normal 3lb and it was much more of a challenge. In a good way tho! Feeling less sore today as well but I kind of feel shin splints coming on :/ but great work everyone! I'm very thankful for everyone in the group because I probably would have given up by now. It's nice to have people to report to and check in with. Day 8 is the farthest I have gotten in a row without a break so here is to gettig to day 30!! Have a good day everyone!

    I was thinking of getting heavier weights, but was having the day from hell, and spent my lunch eating a Bubba burger with FAR too much fat. I swear, I'm never eating them again. Then, I come home, and my daughter is cooking breaded fried chicken strips. UGH! I ate less than an ounce, lol.

    But I DID do my shred this evening. I kicked hubby out of the living room, now he's asleep on my side of the bed. Should be interesting. :)
  • dmfrank78
    dmfrank78 Posts: 16 Member
    Done as promised! Glad that's done with. On to tomorrow!
  • muroo
    muroo Posts: 68
    I just struggled my way through Day 7! Yay! One full week of shredding! *high fives*

    My ankles are really hurting me (I sprained them both badly when I was younger and have bone fragments in one ankle from falling down the stairs) I might need to take a day off but don't want to break my streak because it'll be harder for me to start back up if I stop. I'm going to try and push through this for as long as possible.

    I talk a lot about joints. Protect them! So take the day off if you need to. Also JM seems a little unforgiving about things that aren't allowed to be modified like jumping jacks...but I think pain in joints has to be exception if it's beyond a little sore. :-)
    Since I have a martial arts background if the jumpy cardio things are hurting you because of the impact, I'd suggest kicks or stepups on a box or stool to keep your heartrate up. The jumping jack modification I know is to do the arms like normal but alternate heel taps. But I'd probably replace the heel taps with kicks too. :-)
  • lindaandrews21
    Day 7 completed! Man I can't believe it's been a week! Just 3 more days until level 2! Great job everyone keep up the good work!
  • ryker789
    ryker789 Posts: 255 Member
    Day 7 Complete!! Way to go everyone.
  • ashleyjohnstonn1
    ashleyjohnstonn1 Posts: 359 Member
    Day 7 was a tough one for me... I ate a huge dinner and then decided to work out after. Let's just say I barely got through it without puking :p But it's done now! Thank goodness. I just bought a Fitbit Flex so I'm excited to see how my daily normal activities and the 30 day shred go hand in hand. Now I have a lot of inspiration for my workout tomorrow!
  • Susan_in_CA
    Susan_in_CA Posts: 10 Member
    I am new to this board. I am on day 9 of 30DS. I quit many times doing this DVD. This time I am hoping to finish it and I will need your support!

    Thank you!!
  • babinsiegel
    babinsiegel Posts: 38 Member
    I'm a day behind and completed day 7 last night. I was tired and didn't want to but thinking of falling two days behind got my bum in gear. Felt great to get it done. Looking forward to tonight!! Can't wait for level 2!!