week 8 weigh in

Wk 1 weight 250lbs
Wk 2 weight 248 bs (-2lbs)
Wk 3 weight 244lbs (-4lbs)
Wk 4 weight 244lbs (stayed the same)
Wk 5 weight 242lbs (-2lbs)
Wk 6 weight 240lbs (-2lbs)
Wk 7 weight 238lbs (-2lbs)
Wk 8 weight 236lbs (-2lbs)

Total so far 14lbs, target hit!!!! Cartwheels, party poppers and fireworks!

only 2 more weigh in's!


  • Jmcbryan570
    Jmcbryan570 Posts: 32 Member
    Awesome results discobarbie19. You've really hit the mark being part of this group. Can't wait to keep watching your progress. Mine has been behavior overhauls! Which I'm making great strides.

    Heard a great thing on the radio today about fitness and weight loss. Accountability is only part of the equation. Having a village behind you it the other. MFP's are really part of that equation for me.
  • discobarbie1971
    discobarbie1971 Posts: 55 Member
    Got a long way to go yet but I am really pleased with the results so far. There is a new me evolving and I like what I see. Got into some old jeans the other day which was a great feeling.
  • Jmcbryan570
    Jmcbryan570 Posts: 32 Member
    Besides me and discobarbie, is anyone else around?

    So far the past 8 weeks my strides have been consistency logging my food, getting real workouts in a minimum of 3 days (been doing 4's more and more often), ran a race....ended up being 2 minute faster than my 'acceptable time. Basically being consistent. I haven't fallen off the wagon or gone on a food bender.

    I'm trying to be more vocal about my fitness, running and overall not eating garbage outside MFP. Keeps the offers of pizza away.

    My goal is to get back into the 7 min mile pace with running again. I am at 8:15 'out of shape' for me. And lose some of this body fat I picked up with my new job. None of which I can't do without being consistent.
  • discobarbie1971
    discobarbie1971 Posts: 55 Member
    Wow you have been busy and focused! How far do you run? I do miss running but after injuring my back last year (10km cross country run) I'm nervous about trying again until I've lost some more weight, the less impact on my back the better but never say never again. Until then I'm mainly spinning 6 to 7 times a week, plus cycling at the weekends.