Question on I6:8 Int. Fasting

Tresse70 Posts: 5 Member
Does anyone experience hunger (in the form of tummy growls) while early in the fasting mode? It"s not even 11pm and my stomach is growling. I stopped eating at 8 pm tonight. It's only been 3 hrs and I'm super hungry. Is it unhealthy to fast when hungry? Should I eat something? I'm on day 3 and for the first 2 days I didn't experience hunger growls until 1 hour before my scheduled eating time of noon. Any advise?


  • Josieee15
    Josieee15 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Tresse

    This is a hard one! There could be numerous choices. You could say that in the early days of 16:8 you could expect a few hunger moments until your body adjusts. You could also say that everyone has times (regardless of how long they have been implementing fasting) when they have hungrier moments.

    You can do one of two things. Ignore the hunger and go to bed. I often brush my teeth to put me off because there's something not right about eating after brushing but maybe that's just me. Also have you checked the amount of water you're drinking because we can confuse hunger with thirst and considering you had something to eat not long ago, this could be the reason behind your hunger.

    Or you could say that no one should ever go to bed feeling hungry because it is not very nice. So have something to eat (remembering your calorie goal) and extend your fast time tomorrow.

    Also 16:8 is only a suggested time protocol. Some people extend it or shorten it to fit into their routines. Good luck either way and I hope this helps a bit :smile:
  • Tresse70
    Tresse70 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the good advise. I realized after I wrote the post that I hadn't tracked my activity so I was below the 1000 cal goal by 280 calories! I decided not to eat and toughed it out until my lunch time. It is easier than expected. Thanks again for answering my question.
  • jaidenphyr
    Sounds like you got it all figured out, but I'll give my input anyway just so people know everyone is different...

    I cannot go to bed hungry. I cannot fall asleep. I have to eat a little something right before bed, if I don't I either will not fall asleep or I will wake up in the early hours, hungry and not be able to fall back to sleep unless I get up and eat something. So for me, I fast about 12 - 13 hours. I cannot make it 16, that's just me. I eat a snack around 9pm, I have a coffee in the morning and I'm good til about 10:30 when I have a protein bar. My lunch then is pretty light lately.