iifym and intermittent fasting

LadyCD2013 Posts: 4 Member
Hello Group Members,

NEWBIE ALERT>>>>>>> Well I chose to follow iifym because it made more since to me than others things tried in the past, but have to admit that trying to get it all down is hard. I want to make sure I'm doing it correctly to ensure that I get the results I want. Got married last year. Courthouse. I wasn't ready to walk down the aisle at the weight I am. Do plan to have my dream ceremony in the near future, but need to get this weight in check. Also, I have hypothyroidism. Makes losing weight frustrating. Hoping between weight training, iifym, and intermittent fasting that the weight will finally melt off,

Below is what the calculator came up with for me on iifym,com :
GRAMS per day 31.2 312 124.8 62 - 78 2496
GRAMS per meal 10.4 104 41.6 21 - 26 832

Where do I begin in figuring out meals and tracking on MFP?

Also, are there others out there incorporating intermittent fasting with iifym? This works for me because not much of a breakfast person, usually my 1st meal is around 11am or 12pm, sometimes later depending on work schedule. Now, learning the right way to do this and not mess up my metabolism.

I would really appreciate any advice or feedback. Thanks in advance. :smile:


  • mdizzle99
    mdizzle99 Posts: 169 Member
    Welcome aboard. It can definitely seem overwhelming at first, but keep reading up and practicing and it will come together.

    So at a glance it seems like your protein numbers are high leaving your carbs very low. If you want me to check out your numbers it would be helpful if you provided age, height, and weight.

    With your macros figured out, I would recommend manually changing your goals here on MFP to reflect the new targets. For tracking, I'd recommend buying a food scale to keep close track of how many calories you consume. Work to consistently lose weight at a healthy pace but realize that weight loss is generally not linear. If you are tracking things accurately you can make small adjustments as necessary. Consistency (without driving yourself crazy) is key.

    Let us know if I didn't answer your questions. Good luck.
  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member
    Welcome! As mdizzle99 said, your protein is very high. Unless you have a medical reason to limit carbs (sugars), or you are following a ketogenic diet (and in that case, your fats would be higher than protein), there is no reason to limit carbs to 31g a day. I'd double check your numbers. Keep in mind, while many individuals push high protein diets, studies show that .86g/lbs to be sufficient. At the end of the day, your body will convert excess protein into glucose anyway.

    I do not follow IF, but as far as IF and IIFYM are concerned, I know many people that follow both, and it seems to be a match made in heaven lol. You obviously want the focus on your diet to include eating a majority (80-85%) of micro-nutrient dense foods, but the other 15-20% can be anything you want to fill your macros. IIFYM works well, because at the end of the day all you're concerned with is hitting your macros, not meal timing or macros per meal. So if you have an 8 hour eating window, your focus will be to consume your macros only during that time. The other 16 hours you are either sleeping or not eating (though drinking water, tea, black coffee and other calorie free drinks is fine).