Day 4 post op

Well I am 4 days post op. The gas is almost gone and I'm actually pretty comfortable, just get tired easy. Keeping up in my zofran and Pepcid but only using pain meds when needed and I haven't really needed them. I have been doing my walking and have been drinking my clear liquids. I can eat about a half f a jello cup in one sitting but i think that's probably mostly because my stomach is swollen.

I haven't been hungry at all, so I keep a sheet of paper and I have been writing daily when I am taking my meds and when I eat. Drinking lots of water, and 100% juice and for dinner I have a warm veggie broth.


  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    Which surgery did you have?
    Glad to hear you are doing well.
    Sounds like a pretty normal first week diet--I had diluted broth, diluted juice, and Isopure clear protein drink (the ones that look and taste like kool aid.) As for the jello, I think I could eat about 1/4 of one so you are doing better than me! I had RNY and was told my stomach could hold about 1 oz. and was walnut sized.
  • risskie
    risskie Posts: 203 Member
    Great to hear that you are starting out pretty smoothly.
    Clear liquids as much and as often as you can tolerate - very beneficial! Remember not to take multiple swallows (like when you drink a glass of water or milk). Sip, baby! :smile: That was the hardest thing for me to remember. Move around too - helps to get the last of the gas OUT!!!
  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    Sounds like you are doing good and right on track! I think about 4 days post-op is really where I was able to drop the pain meds out as well. I didn't ever feel hungry until about 6 months post-op. I would eat on a schedule, so you writing things down and getting on a schedule is good thing. Honestly, I think routine is the biggest help with the new lifestyle that we live.

    Keep up that sipping! Make sure you get your protein in. You're doing great!