Day 10 - Level 1 Complete

Thought I'd start it off today


  • michlou84
    michlou84 Posts: 34
    So a massive WELL DONE to everyone that's completed 10 days and level one.
    I can't believe I've kept it up this long and I'm excited to take my measurements not that I feel any different in clothes size but the sense of achievement is great motivation and it went so quick.
    Looking forward to seeing what level 2 has in store.

    So, I'd like to know how people feel different from day one to now?
    I still cannot do a normal push-up but on day one I could just about do one on my knees, today I done about 7!
    Also I can do proper squats now, when I started I was following the easier lady for those but now I can squat with the advanced lady ????
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    Fantastic job michlou! I am sad that I didn't get up and workout this morning, and I'm not sure when I'm going to fit it in. I have a very busy day and weekend planned.

    I knew I was going to have trouble this morning as I had a friend over and we took our dogs for a walk, then we finished the evening by sharing a bottle of wine. I kind of drank my dinner, so I didn't go over my calorie budget. Probably not the healthiest of dinners though.

    We have friends coming from out of town, then a big group of us are participating in a Color Run on Saturday morning, then after I'm hosting a brunch at my house for about 30 people, yikes!

    Hopefully I can sneak a quick workout in after work but before evening plans.

    I feel much better and tighter if that makes sense. I never took measurements, but I can tell my belly is a little flatter. I did take pictures on day 2 so maybe tomorrow I can get up and take some 10 day photos.
  • dmfrank78
    dmfrank78 Posts: 16 Member
    Good morning! I got up this morning and did the Shred...Level 1 is done! I am excited to start Level 2 and do something different. I am feeling better doing the workout - I am able to get thruogh without stopping and it seems easier. Now we have to start all over again with Level 2 and slog our way through it in the beginning. It will be interesting to see how we do with it.

    Everyone have a great day and keep on Shredding!
  • kducky22
    kducky22 Posts: 276 Member
    Starting Level two this afternoon!!!
  • chmosby
    chmosby Posts: 19 Member
    Just did day 1 of level 2 (so I guess it's day 11). My arms are jello! I'm sure I won't even be able to lift my car keys tomorrow morning. Great change of pace, but I had a hard time understanding what she was saying for the different moves. They have big names and she doesn't really give any instruction on how they are done; they just get right to it.... so I had to really watch to make sure I was doing it correctly. One part of you moves one way and the other part moves the opposite way. LOL. The workout was over before I knew it though.
  • danabm
    danabm Posts: 47 Member
    I totally forgot to start Level 2 today and I only did half of one, but plan to do the other half when I get home this afternoon. Maybe I will just go ahead and do all of level two!

    I have not seen a change in weight, but like WordWhimsy I notice a flatter stomach and I have more muscle in my arm that I can feel when I flex. Never had that! :smile:
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Level one is complete!!! Pretty proud of myself for pushing through with a cold today! On to level 2 tomorow!
  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    just ended day 10, havent started lev 2 , will start tomorrow
    but harly getting thru lev 1 so not sure how that will
  • TurboTam
    TurboTam Posts: 174 Member
    Day 10 of level one finished this morning!!! I am so proud I made it 10 days in a row! I feel better and my stomach is definitely flatter and my waist is a little smaller! I can feel my hamstrings popping through. I'm so excited to start Level 2 tomorrow! Congrats everyone!
  • laoanime
    laoanime Posts: 15
    Day 10 done!! 1/3 of the way finished!! Took some measurements from before and some now have lost 11 inches overall but gained .5 inches in both arms is that normal?
  • michlou84
    michlou84 Posts: 34
    Day 10 done!! 1/3 of the way finished!! Took some measurements from before and some now have lost 11 inches overall but gained .5 inches in both arms is that normal?

    I imagine it would be if you didn't have lots of fat on your arms as with all the strength exercises you will be building up your muscles.
    I didn't measure my arms, I done my thighs instead.
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    Just finished Day 10! On to level two tomorrow. I am so proud of us!
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    Without your support I wouldn't have stuck with this. Day 10 done! On to Level 2 tomorrow, have a great night :)
  • sbicica
    sbicica Posts: 52 Member
    Today will only be day 9 for me as my husband and I are in the process of moving and I couldn't fit it in (bad excuse, I know!) so... day 9 today, 10 tomorrow and level 2 on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me know how it is... I'm nervous about it. Also today I am switching from 3 lb weights to 5 lbers.... EEK. Probably will switch back to 3 lb for the shoulder raises though..:embarassed:
  • Apollo090
    Apollo090 Posts: 18 Member
    So I accidentally used a 7.5 and 10lb weights today (thinking they were 5s and not understanding why it was a million times harder! But I got through it. Lost 2.5 lbs and am about to measure! I stopped logging my exercise because I don't like having and extra 630 calories to eat back on high intensity work out days. Instead I changed my calorie goal from 1240-1500 and I know no matter what exercise I do, I will eat back enough calories, sometimes all but not go too overboard.
  • MrsV1983
    MrsV1983 Posts: 39 Member
    Done with Level 1! I'm super excited about Level 2!!