TDEE and deficit advice

Hi Sara,
Want your advice again.
My TDEE according to my fitbit is roughly around 2100 . My works out are strong lifts 3 times a week and hiit once or twice a week and I brisk walk everyday for 45- 50 mins.
For the last 2 months I have been having somewhere around 1500 calories but since I saw no results on the scale( though I feel I have defi lost inches) I lowered my calories to 1450 calories but my scale is still stuck on 144. ( how I hate that no)
I don't want to lower my calories anymore since I feel my lifts are defi suffering and I feel very hungry. Plus I remember reading in your post to keep a deficit of not more than 500 calories.
Since my TDEE is around 2100, do u think my deficit is too much? Should I up or lower my calories? Pl advice
Thank u so much
P.s I have to lose 20 pounds. I have been stuck at 144 like forever.


  • kts1988
    kts1988 Posts: 108 Member
    It sounds like you exercise a lot and are eating at a pretty big deficit. I do my TDEE minus 15-20%, which puts you around 1600 cals a day if your TDEE is 2100. I have actually lost more weight when I increased my calories by 100-200, as my body tends to hold onto weight if I exercise too much and don't eat enough. Also, are you taking any rest or active recovery days from your workouts? I have also found that helps.

    Hope that was somewhat helpful!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Hi Sara,
    Want your advice again.
    My TDEE according to my fitbit is roughly around 2100 . My works out are strong lifts 3 times a week and hiit once or twice a week and I brisk walk everyday for 45- 50 mins.
    For the last 2 months I have been having somewhere around 1500 calories but since I saw no results on the scale( though I feel I have defi lost inches) I lowered my calories to 1450 calories but my scale is still stuck on 144. ( how I hate that no)
    I don't want to lower my calories anymore since I feel my lifts are defi suffering and I feel very hungry. Plus I remember reading in your post to keep a deficit of not more than 500 calories.
    Since my TDEE is around 2100, do u think my deficit is too much? Should I up or lower my calories? Pl advice
    Thank u so much
    P.s I have to lose 20 pounds. I have been stuck at 144 like forever.

    If you are not losing weight for an extended period of time then it's very unlikely that your deficit is too large. If you were in a considerable deficit it is likely that you would be losing weight over extended periods of time.

    In most cases the likelihood is that you may be consuming more calories than you think, or you may have a lower TDEE than you think, or you may be retaining fluids that mask fat loss.

    And it's also quite possible to be a combination of the above items.

    If you'd like detailed advice in this regards you can feel free to fill this out:
  • Suzd1976
    Suzd1976 Posts: 52
    Things you should try to provide for specific intake questions:

    Provide your stats (height/weight/age/bodyfat% if you know it/etc)- 5 feet 1 inch, 144, 37, 37% ( acc to handheld device)

    What's your current gross intake of calories, on average? 1450 to 1500

    What's your current average intake of protein, carbs, and fats, in grams? (GRAMS, not percent!) 110,150,50
    Do you use a food scale and measure everything? Yes

    Do you track all of your intake, daily? (Everything?) yes

    Do you take cheat days or days off? Yes

    How much weight have you lost so far and over what time period?
    Lost 20 pounds 8 months back and then stalled

    Describe your activity (exercise and non exercise) and did you change that activity withing the last couple of months?
    Strong lifts 3 times a week, HIIT once or twice a week and brisk walk for 45 mins 6 days a week. Other than that I am very sedentary

    How long have you been stalled and if it is not a complete stall please be very specific as to how much you have lost over the stalled period.
    8 months...the scale has been stuck at 144 for the last 8 months but I have defi lost inches

    Are you breastfeeding?
    Do you have thyroid issues/risks or PCOS?

    Thank u so much.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
  • tabithajoyy
    tabithajoyy Posts: 680 Member
    i agree with alot of others, up your calories for sure. Maybe 1700 ? Just my suggestions, im not a professional! Have a good day!
  • Suzd1976
    Suzd1976 Posts: 52
    I would love to up my calories...I love food too much and also I feel my lifts are suffering due to my deficit. But at this point of time I want to lose weight ( or fat) desperately...more than building my strength. This last 20 -22 pounds is driving me mad. My son is going to be 3 this April and I still look's really depressing.i went from a u.s size 4 to u.s 14 and now I am stuck at u.s 8 for the last 8 months:(
    So Sara...although I don't want to but if u feel I should lower my calories I will go ahead with it....
  • FitnSassy
    FitnSassy Posts: 263 Member
    In for the recommended advice.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    We ask for people not to give advice on intake threads. Please read here:

    OP: hoping to get together with SideSteel soon to chat and give you our recommendations. Sorry for any delays - we have been crazy busy.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I would love to up my calories...I love food too much and also I feel my lifts are suffering due to my deficit. But at this point of time I want to lose weight ( or fat) desperately...more than building my strength. This last 20 -22 pounds is driving me mad. My son is going to be 3 this April and I still look's really depressing.i went from a u.s size 4 to u.s 14 and now I am stuck at u.s 8 for the last 8 months:(
    So Sara...although I don't want to but if u feel I should lower my calories I will go ahead with it....

    Upping calories will not help you lose weight unfortunately.

    You mention that you had lost inches. How much, or maybe a better gauge, are your clothes looser?
  • Suzd1976
    Suzd1976 Posts: 52
    I have lost few inches on my stomach and my hips...( unfortunately my arms are still as fat as ever) and I feel like my clothes have become somewhat loose but I have not dropped any sizes..I am still wearing a u.s 8 or 10 depending on the brand:(
    Thank u for yr help Sara..u and sidesteel are amazing.:flowerforyou:
  • Suzd1976
    Suzd1976 Posts: 52
    48 hours gentle bump:)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    48 hours gentle bump:)

    You've mentioned several times the Fitbit estimate of TDEE. Since the discussion is around that figure.

    Did you correct it for exercise it is badly underestimating - like lifting?

    This means did you manually log Strength Training on MFP to increase the Fitbit TDEE figure?
    While that may look like low calorie burn compared to cardio, it's truer than what little Fitbit is seeing.
    Your TDEE could be much higher than it's showing.

    Just a thought as the discussion continues.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    48 hours gentle bump:)


    Sorry - SideSteel and I are expecting to be able to go through threads tomorrow.
  • Suzd1976
    Suzd1976 Posts: 52 I don't log strong lifts in my fitbit active minutes..infact I don't log anything at all. So without logging anything, my TDEE comes to around 2000 average the days I do my brisk walks and on days I don't, it shows around 1700-1800.
  • Suzd1976
    Suzd1976 Posts: 52
    Thank u Sara....will wait for your response tom. sorry if I am coming across as impatient..I know u guys are so busy. I am just dying to jump start my weight loss again
    Thank u again
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member I don't log strong lifts in my fitbit active minutes..infact I don't log anything at all. So without logging anything, my TDEE comes to around 2000 average the days I do my brisk walks and on days I don't, it shows around 1700-1800.

    So the Fitbit site is clear on what exercise it will be bad at estimating, and stating you must manually log it - if you want the usefulness of the tool anyway.

    So your TDEE is higher actually.

    You can go look at a past typical week by logging those workouts right now, and it'll sync over to Fitbit, giving you a better TDEE estimate based on your real activity.

    You ever looked at the steps and calorie burn during a lifting workout on there?
  • Suzd1976
    Suzd1976 Posts: 52
    Hi Sara and SS...
    Still waiting for yr reply so bump i guess
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I pulled 1 month of data and I show the following days missing:

    March 22nd
    April 3
    April 4
    April 5

    Additionally, there are 7 days that have under 1000 calories logged, some of which have 300-500 calories logged which indicates that these dates are not fully logged.

    You are eating close to maintenance currently based on your results. The issue is that we don't know what that maintenance target is because of the above logging inconsistencies.

    We recommend that you take the next two weeks and log everything, every day. After this two week period, come back with your data and we will try to make a recommendation based on what's going on.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Hi and sorry for the delays.

    To add to SideSteel's comments, on a more detailed look at your diary, there are a lot of quick adds and some entries where there are no macros. Accuracy of logging is, in many situations, very important, and especially when someone is stalled. At the end of the day, if someone is not losing weight over an extended period, 99% of the time, tightening up of the logging will help.
  • Suzd1976
    Suzd1976 Posts: 52
    Yes, you both are absolutely right. I feel I am definitely not logging everything accurately. I will try and log everything for the next 2 weeks starting today. I am going to stick to 1400 calories for the next 2 weeks and will revert after 2 weeks
    Thank you again...