Ankle Problems, I Think I Have To Quit :(

ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
Hey ladies!
I've taken the past 3 days off of the shred with severe ankle pain. I've sprained both of my ankles several times where I've been on crutches and I had surgery on my right ankle to remove some bone fragments from a bad fall about 6 years ago. My poor ankles just can't handle Jillian. I'm so bummed. I was doing so well, and ready to move to level 2, but right now I can hardly walk, my ankles crackle and pop and are swollen (especially the right one).
I think I'm going to pick up hooping instead for an ab workout that won't require me to wreck my ankles quite so much. I feel awful to be leaving the shred. :(


  • caranais
    caranais Posts: 101 Member
    it's a shame, but not the end of the world.(I'm sorry about your ankles - I don't mean that, but about not doing the shred) We have to stay safe and it's no good putting yourself in a position where you can't do anything and are in pain. I've had an injury this week, and was disappointed as I never complete anything and was so determined to do this, but have tried to stay as active as possible, and do what I can. Lots of walking, Some strength training etc. I still lost inches. At least you're looking for something you can do. I think that's very commendable as it would be so easy to just give up altogether. Well done for trying, and for keeping up with your exercise. You'll do very well I'm sure with your chosen exercise. Good luck with your journey xxx
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    Sorry about your pain. Best to take care of your body and not overdo it. Keep active in the way that is best for you. You'll just have to be extra careful with your diet, as Abs are Made in the Kitchen :)