BeckyLF05 Posts: 115 Member
Friday- Not a lot going on today. Already have a good workout in so anything else is a bonus! I have a little bit of shopping to do this morning and then I plan a DVR binge with the daughter to get caught up on our shows we watch.

Saturday- The weather is supposed to be PERFECT (sunny & 75) so we are going to be outside the entire day. We have plans to clean out our garage (what a mess) and clean the grill up. We may have some family over for the first cookout of Spring!!!! :heart: I think I will start the morning off with a walk at the park.

Sunday- We don't have anything planned (that I'm aware of) but I'm going to try to convince the crew to get out and about and do SOMETHING. Maybe walk/hike at a Nature Center about 30 mins from home

Hope you all have a blessed weekend! :love: :flowerforyou:


  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    Was going to take a day off from the gym. Then again, maybe not.
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Sick today so trying to reschedule my personal training session for tomorrow.

    Sat- may be able to do personal training. If not, will go to gym and do elliptical/treadmill before heading out on our annual Texas Bluebonnet excursion. This is where we get in the car with friends and drive along country roads looking at wildflowers. We also stop at wineries and sample/buy wine.

    Sunday- Church, then volunteer work unloading beds for homeless ministry, then dinner at friends house. Will work in a walk in the morning.

    Should be able to watch calories all weekend as I am committed to only 2 glasses of wine during the winery tours. And the friend is making pork tenderloin with veggies, so fairly lean dinner for Sunday.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    Friday ....Went to the track two times today. Saturday ......planning on going to the track and then going to rent a steam cleaner and clean the carpets. Sunday..... its suppose to rain all day, so maybe me and hubby will go see the movie God's Not Dead .
  • bitxbit
    bitxbit Posts: 1,465 Member
    No plans, as of today. Will get a couple of walks in, as it's forecast to be fair weather.
    Hooty has some sewing projects for me to do... he's getting ready for mountain walk about.
    Spring cleaning
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    Friday - My team ended up in Chinatown at Latern by Wagaya for Karaoke . Great time and good to practice Chinese.

    Saturday - St. Mary's Cathedral, Hyde Park and Darling Harbour Tour Photography tour

    Sunday - Some chores and chilling at Bondi Beach. Getting ready for the next phase of this project.
  • StreetBystander
    StreetBystander Posts: 39 Member
    Saturday - 16 mile light bike ride with a friend. (I say light because heading west on the trail is flat, but heading east is rolling farmland that would probably kill us at this point.) Getting a group together for bowling later on in the day. Maybe catch a college baseball game, depending on how things play out.

    Sunday - Making up my Saturday long run. Relatively lazy day thereafter. (Maybe finish the baby blanket I've been working on for a couple months?)
  • meganmoore112
    meganmoore112 Posts: 174 Member
    Happy weekend!

    Friday - We went to the Virginia Zoo in the morning and then ate at a cafe that's in a farmer's market. The food was fresh and delicious! The cafe was featured on the show Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives. My dad and I have been on a quest to eat at all of the places that are within driving distance. We've been to three so far.

    Saturday - Beautiful weather! Warm and sunny. I have to run errands this morning, but then I plan to spend the rest of the day outside. My daughters have a birthday party to go to this afternoon. While they are there, my plan is to go for a run.

    Sunday - Another great day. My nephew's 4th birthday party is in the afternoon, so I'll spend the morning helping my sister get ready. She is having a place called the Teeny Tiny Farm come, which is basically a mobile petting zoo that they bring to your house. It's so much fun! I'm going to try to work out in the morning before I head over to her house. I need to burn max calories in the morning so I can enjoy the food and cake at the party!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Rianne90
    Rianne90 Posts: 229 Member
    I made cinnamon rolls thursday and had an all-day-cinnamon-roll-day yesterday (yikes, but no real guilt here, it was totally enjoyable ;)).

    Today (saturday), I started off my day with coffee and the last of the cinnamon rolls. That was around 10 am. Now it's 2.30 pm and I'm starting to feel hungry again, so I'll go for some fruit in a bit. I don't know what we'll do for dinner yet, but I'll probably incorporate a bunch of veggies to balance out my wheat/sugarfest yesterday. I also have another blogilates workout planned and I kind of want to go for a jog as well (lovely weather!), but I'll have to see about that since the blogilates exercises are pretty intense. I also have a bunch of assignments for uni that I want to finish today.

    Tomorrow (sunday) I'll also try to make healthier choices again and working out with blogilates. I then have some exercises to create for the group I teach and I need to create a lessonplan for that as well. Also some more assignments to make. Super fun times :P
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    Friday: Went to a baseball game (little league) and my daughter had a friend over for the night.

    Today: Went to a Zumba birthday party and now headed up into the mountains to my brothers house to play around the rest of today.

    Tomorrow: Body Pump and then hopefully a hike, weather permitted.
  • cathy0536
    cathy0536 Posts: 137 Member
    Friday - was son 1's 9th birthday and had to drive back from my parents with him as both the boys had been there for the week as the UK schools are on holiday at the moment. Detoured for an hour to have lunch with his cousins and to do some present and Easter egg swapping. 30 mins after leaving there we got a flat and had to find a garage. Sat in the garage for 90 mins while the tire was replaced and got home late. Had a Chinese with my husband's family and opened presents. Son 1 then up all night with a tummy bug - probably not the birthday we would have wanted but he seems OK now! Too busy for exercise and logging v sketchy!

    Saturday - my sister is staying and drove her to and from some roller derby events in a local town. Did my turbofire and caught up with some reading and housework.

    Sunday (today) - lovely day in the UK,. been out for a run and started week 2 of c25K, also took son 2 to the local courts to play tennis. Sister back out to roller derby so I am scrapbooking :) but day is SO lovely may have to get out in the garden later...
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Friday: First 5K event where we walked for a time of 46 minutes. Then I came home and did 38 minutes of strength training. I still managed to be over my calories because of yummy (yet bad) food choices.

    Saturday: Did an hour walk after dinner with my brother, nephew and husband. Then I came home and did 4 miles of Power walking to deal with dessert calories.

    Today: I am home and I need to do work. I hope to sneak in a walk with my husband and perhaps a workout -- depends on how my calories are looking what I will make myself do. :laugh:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I didn't do much of anything this weekend. I worked out Friday and that was it. I managed to maintain my weight throughout the weekend.

    I will be going on vacation Monday to Thursday so I hope to still maintain but I won't be counting.
  • Shaky44
    Shaky44 Posts: 214 Member
    I didn't do much of anything this weekend. I worked out Friday and that was it. I managed to maintain my weight throughout the weekend.

    I will be going on vacation Monday to Thursday so I hope to still maintain but I won't be counting.
    Have a great vacation!
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    Well today turned out to be a rest day. It was raining when I woke up, it hailed and then it snowed, lol.
  • discoveredamber
    discoveredamber Posts: 379 Member
    Didnt get to go to the gym friday or saturday. Just did some walking and 300 jumping jacks. Sunday I did 20 min on the arc trainer and went for an hour long hike